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Clark S.; Menrath W.; Zakaria Y.; El-Safty A.; Roda S.; Lind C.; Elsayed E.; Peng H. 2014. Follow-up on High Lead Concentrations in New Enamel Decorative Paints Available in Egypt Environment and Pollution, 3 1, 33 - 40
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Viswanath P.; Devegowda D.; Prashant A.; Nayak N.; D'Souza V.; Venkatesh T.; Clark S. 2012. Environmental Lead Levels in a Coastal City of India: The Lead Burden Continues Ind J Med Sci, 66 11-12, 260 -266
Clark S.; Galke W.; Succop P.; Grote J.; McLaine P.; Wilson J.; Dixon S.; Menrath W.; Roda S.; Chen M.; Bornschein R.; Jacobs D. 2011. Effects of HUD-supported Lead Hazard Control Interventions on Children's Blood Lead Environ Res, 111 , 301 - 311
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Kuruvilla A.; Pillay V.; Thuppil V.; Adhikari P.; Chakrapani M.; Clark C.; D'Souza H.; Menezes G.; Nayak N.; Clark R,; Sinha S. 2004. Portable Lead Analyzer to Locate Sources of Lead Indian J. of Pediatrics, 41 , 495 - 499
Succop P.; Clark C.; Chen M.; Galke W. 2004. Imputation of Data Values That Are Less Than a Detection Limit Appl Occup Environ Hyg J, 1 , 436 - 441
Tohn E.; Dixon S.; Wilson J.; Galke W.; Clark C. 2003. An Evaluation of One-Time Professional Dust Removal in Homes with Deteriorated Lead-Based Paint and Lead Dust Hazards Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 18 , 138 - 143
Clark S.; Chen M.; McLaine P.; Galke W.; Menrath W., Buncher R.; Succop P.; Dixon S. 2002. Presence and Location of Teeth Marks Observed on Painted Surfaces in an Evaluation of the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 17 , 628
Succop P.; Clark S.; Tseng C.; Bornschein R.; Chen M 2001. Evaluation of Public Housing Risk Assessment Data Environ Geochem & Health, 23 , 1
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