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Photo of  C. Scott Clark, PhD


  • Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University (Environmental Engineering)
  • M.S.: Johns Hopkins University (Environmental Engineering)
  • B.S.: Antioch College (Engineering-Science)

Research Interests

My primary research objectives are (1) the determination of the human health effects of exposures to waste materials and (2) the determination of residential housing factors responsible for pediatric lead poisoning. The former includes both occupational and public exposures and involves biological as well as chemical agents. The wastewater exposure situations are land application, sludge composting, conventional wastewater treatment and sewer maintenance. Public exposures include air and drinking water co...

Peer Reviewed Publications

Clark C.; Speranskya O.; Brosche' S.; Gonzales H.; Solis D.; Kodeih N.; Roda S.; Lind C. 2015. Total Lead Concentrations in New Decorative Enamel Paints in Lebanon, Paraguay and Russia Environ Res, 138 , 432 - 438

Menrath W.; Zakaria Y.; El-Safty A.; Clark C.; Roda S.; Elsayed E.; Lind C.; Pesce J.; Peng H. 2015. Use of a Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer for Environmental Exposure Assessment of a Neighborhood in Cairo, Egypt Adjacent to the Site of a Former Secondary Lead Smelter Appl Occup Environ Hyg J, 12 , 555 - 563

Clark S.; Menrath W.; Zakaria Y.; El-Safty A.; Roda S.; Lind C.; Elsayed E.; Peng H. 2014. Follow-up on High Lead Concentrations in New Enamel Decorative Paints Available in Egypt Environment and Pollution, 3 1, 33 - 40

Dixon S.; Jacobs D.; Wilson J.; Akoto J.; Nevin R.; Clark C. 2012. Window replacement and residential lea paint hazard control 12 years later Environ Res, 113 , 14 - 20

Viswanath P.; Devegowda D.; Prashant A.; Nayak N.; D'Souza V.; Venkatesh T.; Clark S. 2012. Environmental Lead Levels in a Coastal City of India: The Lead Burden Continues Ind J Med Sci, 66 11-12, 260 -266

Clark S.; Galke W.; Succop P.; Grote J.; McLaine P.; Wilson J.; Dixon S.; Menrath W.; Roda S.; Chen M.; Bornschein R.; Jacobs D. 2011. Effects of HUD-supported Lead Hazard Control Interventions on Children's Blood Lead Environ Res, 111 , 301 - 311

Ewers L.; Clark C.; Peng H.; Roda S.; Menrath W.; Lind C.; Succop P. 2011. Lead Levels in New Residential Paints in Taipei, Taiwan and Comparisons with Those in Mainland China Environ Res, 111 6, 757 - 760

Chuturkova R.; Iossifova Y.; Clark S. 2010. Decrease in Ambient Air Lead Concentrations in Varna, Bulgaria Associated with the Introduction of Unleaded Gasoline Annals Agric Environ Med, 17 , 259 - 261

Clark C.; Succop P.; Menrath W.; Roda S.; Greenberg S.;Buchwald-Gelles M.; Peng H.. 2010. Longevity of the Effectiveness of Interim Soil Lead Hazard Control Measures and Influencing Factors Environ Res, 110 , 526 - 531

Dixon S.; Wilson J.; Kawecki C.; Green R.; Phoenix J.; Galke W.; Clark C.; Breysee J. 2010. Selecting a lead hazard control strategy based on dust lead loading and housing condition 1. methods and results Appl Occup Environ Hyg J, 5 8, 530 - 539

Kumar A.; Clark S. 2009. Lead Loadings in Household Dust in Delhi, India Indoor Air, 19 , 414 - 420

Adebamowo E.; Clark C.; Roda S.; Agbede O.; Sridhar M.; Adebamowo C. 2007. Lead content of dry films of domestic paints currently sold in Nigeria Scoence of Total Environment, 388 , 116 - 120

D'Souza S.; Menezes G.; Clark S.; Thupil V 2006. Health Hazards by Lead Exposure: Evaluation Using ASV and XRF Toxicol and Ind Hlth, 22 , 249

Wilson J.; Pivetz T.; Ashley P.; Jacobs D.; Strauss W.; Menkedick J.; Dixon S.; Tsai H.; Brown V.; Friedman W.; Galke W.; Clark C. 2006. Evaluation of HUD-funded lead hazard control treatments at 6 years post-intervention Environ Res, 102 , 237 - 248

Galke W.; Clark S.;McLaine P.; Bornschein R.; Wilson J.; Succop P.; Roda S.;Breysee J.; Jacobs D.; Grote J.; Menrath W.; Dixon S.; Chen M.; Buncher R. 2005. National Evaluation of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Study Methods Environ Res, 98 , 315 - 328

Clark C.; Grote J.; Wilson J.; Succop P.; Chen M.; Galke W.; McLaine P. 2004. Occurrence and Determinants of Increases in Blood Lead Levels in Children Shortly After Lead Hazard Control Activities Environ Res, 96 , 196 - 205

Clark S.; Menrath W.; Chen M.; Succop P.; Bornschein R.; Galke W.; Wilson J 2004. The Influence of Exterior Dust and Soil on Interior Dust Lead Levels in Housing Which Had Undergone Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Appl Occup Environ Hyg J, 1 , 273

Dixon S.; Wilson J.; Succop P.: Chen M.; Galke W.; Menrath W,; Clark C. 2004. Residential Dust Lead Loading Immediately After Intervention in the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program Appl Occup Environ Hyg J, 1 , 716 - 724

Kuruvilla A.; Pillay V.; Thuppil V.; Adhikari P.; Chakrapani M.; Clark C.; D'Souza H.; Menezes G.; Nayak N.; Clark R,; Sinha S. 2004. Portable Lead Analyzer to Locate Sources of Lead Indian J. of Pediatrics, 41 , 495 - 499

Succop P.; Clark C.; Chen M.; Galke W. 2004. Imputation of Data Values That Are Less Than a Detection Limit Appl Occup Environ Hyg J, 1 , 436 - 441

Tohn E.; Dixon S.; Wilson J.; Galke W.; Clark C. 2003. An Evaluation of One-Time Professional Dust Removal in Homes with Deteriorated Lead-Based Paint and Lead Dust Hazards Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 18 , 138 - 143

Clark S.; Chen M.; McLaine P.; Galke W.; Menrath W., Buncher R.; Succop P.; Dixon S. 2002. Presence and Location of Teeth Marks Observed on Painted Surfaces in an Evaluation of the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 17 , 628

Succop P.; Clark S.; Tseng C.; Bornschein R.; Chen M 2001. Evaluation of Public Housing Risk Assessment Data Environ Geochem & Health, 23 , 1

Choe K.; Trunov M.; Grinshpun S.; Willeke K.;Harney J.; Mainelis G.; Bornschein R.; Clark S.; Friedman W. 2000. Particle Settling After Lead-Based Paint Work and Clearance Waiting Period Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 61 , 798

Galke W.; Clark S.; Wilson J.; Jacobs D.; McClaine P.; Dixon S.; Bornschein R. 2000. Evaluation of the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program: Overall Early Findings Environ Research Section A, 86 , 149

Tohn E.; Dixon S.; Rupp R.; Clark S. 2000. A Pilot Study Examining Changes in Dust Lead Loading on Walls and Ceilings After Lead Hazard Control Interventions Environmental Health Perspectives, 108 , 453

Clark S.; Menrath W.; Chen M.; Roda S.; Succop 1999. Use of a Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer to Determine the Concentration of Lead and Other Metals in Soil Samples Annals Agric Environ Med, 6 , 27

Dixon S.; Tohn E.; Rupp R.; Clark S' 1999. Achieving Dust Lead Clearance Standards After Lead Hazard Control Projects: An Evaluation of the HUD-Recommended Cleaning Procedure and an Abbreviated Procedure Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 14 , 339

Clark S.; Bornschein R.; Pan W.; Menrath W.;Roda S.; Grote J. 1996. The Relationship Between Surface Dust Lead Loading on Carpets and the Blood Lead of Young Children Environ Geochem & Health, 18 , 143

Chang C.; Grinshpun S,; Willeke K.; Macher J.; Donnelly J.;Clark S.; Juozaitis A. 1995. Factors Affecting Microbiological Colony Count Accuracy for Bioaerosol Sampling and Analysis Am. Ind. Hyg. Assn.J., 56 10, 979

Clark S.; Bornschein R.; Pan W.;Menrath W.; Roda S. 1995. An Examination of the Relationship An Examination of the Relationships Between the HUD Floor Lead Loading Clearance Level for Lead-Based Paint Abatement, Surface Dust Lead by a Vacuum Collection Method and Pediatric Blood Level Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 10 2, 107

Salie F.; Scarpino P.; Clark S.; Willeke K. 1995. Laboratory Evaluation of Airborne Microbial Reduction by an Ultraviolet Light Positioned in a Modified Hollow Ceiling Fan Blade Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 56 10, 987

Ewers L.; Clark S.; Menrath W.; Succop P.; Bornschein R. 1994. Clean-up of Lead in Household Carpet and Floor Dust Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 55 7, 650

Bohan P.; Hertzberg V.; Burg W.; Clark S. 1991. Airborne Lead and Asbestos-like Fibers in Mechanical Street Cleaner Environments and an Evaluation of Some Contributory Factors Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 6 1, 54

Bornschein R.; Clark S.; Pan W.; Succop P. 1991. Midvale Community Lead Study Cheimical Speciation and Bioavailability, 3 3/4, 149

Clark S.; Bornschein R.; Succop P.; Roda S.; Peace B. 1991. Urban Lead Exposures of Children in Cincinnati, Ohio Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 3 3/4, 149

Lemasters .; Zenick H.; Hertzberg V.; Hansen K.; Clark S. 1991. Fertility of Workers Chronically Exposed to Chemically Contaminated Sewer Wastes Reproductive Toxicoloty, 5 , 31

White M.; Glenn S.; Hudnall J.; Rice C.; Clark S. 1991. The effectiveness of ice- and freon-based personal cooling systems during work in fully-encapsulating suits in the heat Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 52 3, 127 - 135

Bonfiglio J.; Clark C.; Sigell L.; Sublet V.; Rice C.; Radike M.; Hayes K. 1988. Poison Centers: A Resource for Occupational Health Services Vet. Human Toxicol, 30 6, 569

Lemasters G.; Hansen K.; Zenick H.; Meyer C.; Hertzberg V.; Clark S. 1987. Reproductive Assessment of Male Waste Water Workers Toxicologist, 7 , 180

Clark C.; Linnemann C. 1986. The Use of Serum Antibody As a Means to Determine Infections from Exposure to Wastewater and Refuse CRC Critical Reviews, 16 4, 305

Clark S, 1986. Report on Prevention and Control Am. J. Ind. Med, 10 , 267

Clark S. 1986. Comparisons of Organic Dust Exposures in Agricultural Occupations and Waste Processing Industries Am. J. Ind. Med, 10 , 286

Lemasters G.; Zenick H.; Hansen K.; Meyer C.; Hertzberg V.; Clark S. 1986. Application of Various Exposure Models To Assess the Reproductive Effects of Industrial Wastes on Male Workers TheToxicologist, 6 1, 98

Bornschein R.; Hammond P.; Dietrich K.; Succop P.; Kraftt K.; Clark C.; Berger O.; Pearson D.; Que Hee,S. 1985. The Cincinnati Prospective Study of Low Level Lead Exposure and Its Effects on Child Development: Protocol and Status Report Environ Res, 38 , 4

Linnemann C.; Jaffa R.; Gartside P.; Scarpino P.; Clark C. 1984. Risk of Infection Associated with a Wastewater Spray Irrigation System Used for Farming J. Occup. Med., 26 1, 41

Bertucci J.; Abid S.; Lue-Hing C.; Clark C.; Fenters J.; Fannin K. 1983. Confirmed Viruses vs. Unconfirmed Plaques in Sewage J. Environmental Engineering Div of Am Society of Civil Engineers, 109 2, 351

Clark C.; Rylander R.; Larsson L. 1983. Airborne Bacteria, Endotoxin and Fungi in Dust in Poultry and Swine Confinement Buildings Am. Ind. Hyg. Assn.J., 44 7, 537

Clark C.; Cleary E.; Schiff G.; Linnemann C.; Phair J.; Briggs T. 1978. Disease Risks of Occupational Exposure to Sewage- A Review J. Environmental Engineering Div of Am Society of Civil Engineers, April, 375

Clark C.; Judson H. 1975. Analysis of Delinquent Residential Water Account Shut-Offs J. Am. Water Works Assn, May, 264

Zulfacar A.; Clark C 1974. Highway Noise and Acoustical Buffer Zones Transportation Engineering Journal of Ameican Society of Civil Engineering, 100 TE2 , 389

Bertinuson J.; Clark C. 1973. The Contribution to Lead Content of Soils from Urban Housing Interface, 2 1, 6

Clark C. 1966. Oxidation of Coal Mine Pyrite J. San. Eng.Div. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, SA 2 April, 127

Linaweaver P.;Clark C. 1964. Costs of Water Transmission J. Am. Water Works Assn, 56 12, 1549

Dixon S.;Wilson J.;Clark C.;Galke W.;Succop P.;Chen M. 12-01-2005. The influence of common area lead hazards and lead hazard control on dust lead loadings in multiunit buildings Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2 12, 659-666

Clark C. 12-01-1987. Potential and actual biological related health risks of wastewater industry employment Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 59 12, 999-1008

Clark C.; Rose J. 12-01-1986. Microbial aspects of wastewater reuse for irrigation Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, 16 3, 231-256

Kirschner D.;Que Hee S.;Clark C. 12-01-1985. Method for Detecting the 3-Hydroxymyristic Acid Component of the Endotoxins of Gram-negative Bacteri American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 46 12, 741-746

Clark C.;Bjornson H.;Fulton-Schwartz J. 12-01-1984. Biological health risks associated with the composting of wastewater treatment plant sludge Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 56 12, 1269-1276

Hammond P.;Bornschein R.;Succop P.;Clark C. 12-01-1983. Profiles Of Lead Burdens In Early Childhood. A Longitudinal Study In A High Risk Environment. , , 262-268

Lurker P.;Clark C.;Elia V. 12-01-1982. Atmospheric release of chlorinated organic compounds from the activated sludge process Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 54 12, 1566-1573

Gillespie V.L.;Clark C.S.;BjornsoN H.S.;Samuels S.J.;Holland J.W. 12-01-1981. A comparison of two-stage and six-stage Andersen impactors for viable aerosols American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 42 12, 858-864

Clark C.;Majeti V.;Elia V. 12-01-1979. Carbon tetrachloride standard [6] Chemical and Engineering News, 57 1, 36-37

Cody T.;Elia V.;Clark C.;Christian R. 12-01-1979. Integrated Use Of Bioassays And Chemical Analyses To Evaluate The Quality Of Reuse Water. Tectonophysics, 3 , 2230-2238

Cody T.;Christian R.;Elia V.;Clark C. 12-01-1975. Cell Culture As a Toxicity Bioassay For Potable Reuse Water. , , 408-412

Dixon S.;Wilson J.;Succop P.;Chen M.;Galke W.;Menrath W.;Clark C. 11-01-2004. Residential dust lead loading immediately after intervention in the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant Program Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 1 11, 716-724

Clark C.;Rampal K.;Thuppil V.;Roda S.;Succop P.;Menrath W.;Chen C.;Adebamowo E.;Agbede O.;Sridhar M.;Adebamowo C.;Zakaria Y.;El-Safty A.;Shinde R.;Yu J. 10-01-2009. Lead levels in new enamel household paints from Asia, Africa and South America Environmental Research, 109 7, 930-936

Sigell L.;Hayes K.;Bonfiglio J.;Clark C.;Sublet V.;Millman S.;Rice C.;Siegel E. 10-01-1988. An occupational/environmental services training program for poison information specialists. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 30 5, 474-475

Reece R.M.;Reed A.J.;Clark C.S. 10-01-1972. Elevated blood lead levels and the in situ analysis of wall paint by x-ray fluorescence. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 124 4, 500-502

Clark C.;Rampal K.;Thuppil V.;Chen C.;Clark R.;Roda S. 09-01-2006. The lead content of currently available new residential paint in several Asian countries Environmental Research, 102 1, 9-12

Dunovant V.;Clark C.;Que Hee S. 09-01-1986. Volatile organics in the wastewater airspaces of three wastewater treatment plants Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 58 9, 886-895

Hammond P.;Clark C.;Gartside P.;Berger O.;Walker A.;Michael L. 08-01-1980. Fecal lead excretion in young children as related to sources of lead in their environments International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 46 3, 191-202

Thomson C.;Poppe B.;Clark C.;Rice C.;Linz D. 07-13-1992. Development and implementation of a safety and health program for employees involved with residentia Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7 6, 398-404

Dixon S.;Wilson J.;Clark C.;Galke W.;Succop P.;Chen M. 07-01-2005. Effectiveness of lead-hazard control interventions on dust lead loadings: Findings from the evaluati Environmental Research, 98 3, 303-314

Elia V.;Clark C.;McGinnis K. 07-01-1978. Ozonation in a wastewater reuse system: examination of products formed Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 50 7, 1727-1732

Kuruvilla A.;Pillay V.;Venkatesh T.;Adhikari P.;Chakrapani M.;Clark C.;D'Souza H.;Menezes G.;Nayak N.;Clark R.;Sinha S. 06-01-2004. Portable lead analyzer to locate source of lead Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 71 6, 495-499

Clark C. 06-01-1987. Health Effects Associated With Wastewater Treatment, DisposaL, And Reuse. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 59 6, 436-440

Clark C. 06-01-1986. Health effects associated with wastewater treatment and disposal Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 58 6, 539-543

Clark C. 06-01-1985. Health effects associated with wastewater treatment and disposal Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 57 6, 566-569

Clark C.;Meyer C.;Gartside P.;Majeti V.;Specker B.;Balistreri W.;Elia V. 05-28-1982. An environmental health survey of drinking water contamination by leachate from a pesticide waste du Archives of Environmental Health, 37 1, 9-18

Clark C.S.;Bjornson A.B.;Schiff G.M.;Phair J.P.;Van Meer G.L.;Gartside P.S. 05-07-1977. Sewage Worker's Syndrome The Lancet, 309 8019, 1009

Morley J.C.;Clark C.S.;Deddens J.A.;Ashley K.;Roda S. 05-01-1999. Evaluation of a portable X-ray fluorescence instrument for the determination of lead in workplace ai Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 14 5, 306-316

Lee I.;Hee S.;Clark C. 05-01-1987. Additivity of Detector Responses of a Portable Direct-Reading 10.2 eV Photoionization Detector and a American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 48 5, 437-441

Kincl L.;Bhattacharya A.;Succop P.;Clark C. 04-17-2002. Postural sway measurements: A potential safety monitoring technique for workers wearing personal pro Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 17 4, 256-266

Decker D.;Clark C.;Elia V.;Kominsky J.;Trapp J. 04-01-1983. Worker Exposure to Organic Vapors at a Liquid Chemical Waste Incinerator American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 44 4, 296-300

Anderson T.;Barrett G.;Clark C. 04-01-1982. Metal concentrations in tissues of meadow voles from sewage sludge-treated fields Journal of Environmental Quality, 11 2, 272-277

Majeti V.;Clark C. 04-01-1981. Health Risks Of Organics In Land Application Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, 107 2, 339-358

Clark C.S.;Cleary E.J.;Schiff G.M.;Linneman C.C.;Phair J.P.;Briggs T.M. 04-01-1976. Disease Risks Of Occupational Exposure To Sewage ASCE J Environ Eng Div, 102 2, 375-388

Clark C.;Linnemann C.;Gartside P.;Phair J.;Blacklow N.;Zeiss C. 03-13-1985. Serologic survey of rotavirus, Norwalk agent and Prototheca wickerhamii in wastewater workers American Journal of Public Health, 75 1, 83-85

Markey A.;Clark C.;Succop P.;Roda S. 03-01-2008. Determination of the feasibility of using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer in the field Journal of Environmental Health, 70 7, 24-29

Lurker P.;Clark C.;Elia V.;Gartside P.;Kinman R. 02-01-1983. Worker Exposure to Chlorinated Organic Compounds from the Activated-sludge Wastewater Treatment Proc American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 44 2, 109-112

Clark C.;Kumar A.;Mohapatra P.;Rajankar P.;Nycz Z.;Hambartsumyan A.;Astanina L.;Roda S.;Lind C.;Menrath W.;Peng H. 01-01-2014. Examination of lead concentrations in new decorative enamel paints in four countries with different histories of activity in lead paint regulation Environmental Research, 132 , 233-243

Clark C.;Thuppil V.;Clark R.;Sinha S.;Menezes G.;D'Souza H.;Nayak N.;Kuruvilla A.;Law T.;Dave P.;Shah S. 01-01-2005. Lead in paint and soil in Karnataka and Gujarat, India Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2 1, 38-44

Betemps E.;Buncher C.;Clark C. 01-01-1994. Proportional mortality analysis of wastewater treatment system workers by birthplace with comments o Journal of Occupational Medicine, 36 1, 31-35

Brenner K.P.;Scarpino P.V.;Clark C.S. 01-01-1988. Animal viruses, coliphages, and bacteria in aerosols and wastewater at a spray irrigation site Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 54 2, 409-415

Sublet V.;Linz D.;Bonfiglio J.;Sigell L.;Clark C.;Kline S.;Radike M. 01-01-1988. Occupational/environmental protocols designed for use by poison information specialists Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 30 5, 455-458

Sullivan R.; Linneman C.; Clark C,; Walzer P. 01-01-1987. Seroepidemiologic study of giardiasis patients and high-risk groups in a midwestern city in the Unit American Journal of Public Health, 77 8, 960-963

Barsky J.;Que Hee S.;Clark C.;Trapp J. 01-01-1986. Simultaneous multi-instrumental monitoring of vapors in sewer headspaces by several direct-reading i Environmental Research, 39 2, 307-320

Barsky J.;Que Hee S.;Clark C. 01-01-1985. An Evaluation of the Response of Some Portable, Direct-Reading 10.2 eV and 11.8 eV Photoionization D American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 46 1, 9-14

Bornschein R.;Succop P.;Dietrich K.;Clark C.;Hee S.;Hammond P. 01-01-1985. The influence of social and environmental factors on dust lead, hand lead, and blood lead levels in Environmental Research, 38 1, 108-118

Clark C.;Bornschein R.;Succop P.;Hee S.;Hammond P.;Peace B. 01-01-1985. Condition and type of housing as an indicator of potential environmental lead exposure and pediatric Environmental Research, 38 1, 46-53

Hee S.;Peace B.;Clark C.;Boyle J.;Bornschein R.;Hammond P. 01-01-1985. Evolution of efficient methods to sample lead sources, such as house dust and hand dust, in the home Environmental Research, 38 1, 77-95

Clark C. 01-01-1984. Health effects associated with wastewater treatment and disposal Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 56 6, 625-627

Clark C.;Linnemann C.;Clark J.;Gartside P. 01-01-1984. Enteric parasites in workers occupationally exposed to sewage Journal of Occupational Medicine, 26 4, 273-275

Lurker P.;Clark C.;Elia V.;Gartside P.;Kinman R. 01-01-1984. Aerial organic chemical release from activated sludge Water Research, 18 4, 489-494

Clark C. 01-01-1983. Health effects associated with wastewater treatment and disposal Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 55 6, 679-682

Clark C.S.;Rylander R.;Larsson L. 01-01-1983. Levels of gram-negative bacteria, Aspergillus fumigatus, dust, and endotoxin at compost plants Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 45 5, 1501-1505

Elia V.;Clark C.;Majeti V.;Gartside P.;MacDonald T.;Richdale N.;Meyer C.;Van Meer G.;Hunninen K. 01-01-1983. Hazardous chemical exposure at a municipal wastewater treatment plant Environmental Research, 32 3, 360-371

Sterling D.;Clark C.;Bjornson S. 01-01-1982. The effect of air control systems on the indoor distributions of viable particles Environment International, 8 1-6, 409-414

Clark C.; Cleary E.; Eller P.; Lingg R.; Pesci E. 01-01-1974. Efficiency Evaluation of a Treatment System For The Reuse Of Field Hospital Wastewater. SAE Prepr, 740928,