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Photo of  Daniel W. W. Nebert, MD.


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship: National Institute of Health (Cancer research)
  • Inter ship and Residency : UCLA Health Sciences Center (Pediatrics)
  • Medical Degree: Univ Oregon Med School (Medicine)
  • Master's Degree: Univ Oregon Med School (Biophysics)
  • Bachelor's Degree: Wesleyan University (Biochemistry)

Research Interests

Genes encoding drug-metabolizing enzymes; CYP1A1 gene; Ecogenetics; Standardized gene nomenclature; Gene superfamilies; Human Ah receptor gene; Environmental toxicology; Teratology; Cancer research.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Boycott K.M.;Beaulieu C.L.;Kernohan K.D.;Gebril O.H.;Mhanni A.;Chudley A.E.;Redl D.;Qin W.;Hampson S.;Küry S.;Tetreault M.;Puffenberger E.G.;Scott J.N.;Bezieau S.;Reis A.;Uebe S.;Schumacher J.;Hegele R.A.;McLeod D.R.;Gálvez-Peralta M.;Majewski J.;Ramaekers V.T.;Nebert D.W.;Innes A.M.;Parboosingh J.S.;Abou Jamra R. 12-03-2015. Autosomal-Recessive Intellectual Disability with Cerebellar Atrophy Syndrome Caused by Mutation of t American Journal of Human Genetics, 97 6, 886-893

Park J.H.;Hogrebe M.;Grüneberg M.;Duchesne I.;Von Der Heiden A.L.;Reunert J.;Schlingmann K.P.;Boycott K.M.;Beaulieu C.L.;Mhanni A.A.;Innes A.M.;Hörtnagel K.;Biskup S.;Gleixner E.M.;Kurlemann G.;Fiedler B.;Omran H.;Rutsch F.;Wada Y.;Tsiakas K.;Santer R.;Nebert D.W.;Rust S.;Marquardt T. 12-03-2015. SLC39A8 Deficiency: A Disorder of Manganese Transport and Glycosylation American Journal of Human Genetics, 97 6, 894-903

Levitt R.;Fysh J.;Jensen N.;Nebert D. 12-01-1979. The Ah locus: Biochemical basis for genetic differences in brain tumor formation in mice Genetics, 92 4, 1205-1210

Jorge-Nebert L.;Zhang G.;Wilson K.;Jiang Z.;Butler R.;Gluckman J.;Pinney S.;Nebert D. 11-28-2016. Head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma risk in smokers: no association detected between phenotype and Human Genomics, 10 1, 1-17

Dong H.;Nebert D.;Bruford E.;Thompson D.;Joenje H.;Vasiliou V. 11-24-2015. Update of the human and mouse Fanconi anemia genes Human genomics, 9 , 32

Nebert D. 08-22-1981. Clinical pharmacology: Possible clinical importance of genetic differences in drug metabolism British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.), 283 6290, 537

Brocker C.;Carpenter C.;Nebert D.;Vasiliou V. 08-01-2010. Evolutionary divergence and functions of the human acyl-CoA thioesterase gene ( ACOT ) family Human Genomics, 4 6, 411-420

Nebert D.W. 07-01-2017. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR): “pioneer member” of the basic-helix/loop/helix per-Arnt-sim (bHLH/P Progress in Lipid Research, 67 , 38-57

Zhang G.;Nebert D. 07-01-2017. Personalized medicine: Genetic risk prediction of drug response Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 175 , 75-90

McDermott J.;Geng X.;Jiang L.;Gálvez-Peralta M.;Chen F.;Nebert D.;Liu Z. 06-07-2016. Zinc-and bicarbonate-dependent ZIP8 transporter mediates selenite uptake Oncotarget, 7 23, 35327-35340

Nebert D.;Ingelman-Sundberg M. 03-01-2016. What do animal experiments tell us that in vitro systems cannot? The Human Toxome Project Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 75 , 1-4

Schiering C.;Wincent E.;Metidji A.;Iseppon A.;Li Y.;Potocnik A.J.;Omenetti S.;Henderson C.J.;Wolf C.R.;Nebert D.W.;Stockinger B. 02-09-2017. Feedback control of AHR signalling regulates intestinal immunity Nature, 542 7640, 242-245

Jorge-Nebert L.F.;Gálvez-Peralta M.;Landero Figueroa J.;Somarathna M.;Hojyo S.;Fukada T.;Nebert D.W. 01-01-2015. Comparing gene expression during cadmium uptake and distribution: untreated versus oral Cd-treated w Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, 143 1, 26-35

Brocker C.; Gonzalez F.; Monte A.; Nebert D.; Thompson D.; Vasiliou V. 01-01-2014. Improved drug therapy: triangulating phenomics with genomics and metabolomics Human genomics, 8 , 16

Jackson B.C.;Carpenter C.;Nebert D.W.;Vasiliou V. 01-01-2010. Update of human and mouse forkhead box (FOX) gene families. Human genomics, 4 5, 345-352

Jackson B.C.;Nebert D.W.;Vasiliou V. 01-01-2010. Update of human and mouse matrix metalloproteinase families. Human genomics, 4 3, 194-201

Roberts R.;Nebert D.;Hickman J.;Richburg J.;Goldsworthy T. 01-01-1997. Perturbation of the mitosis/apoptosis balance: A fundamental mechanism in toxicology Toxicological Sciences, 38 2, 107-115

Guengerich F.; Juchau M.; Miller M.; Nebert D.; Raucy J. 01-01-1996. Drug metabolic enzymes in developmental toxicology Toxicological Sciences, 34 2, 165-175

Vasiliou V.;Liang H.;Puga A.;Nebert D. 01-01-1992. Autoregulation Plus Negative And Positive Control of Murine Cypla-1 Gene Expression and the [Ah] Bat Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 3 Supplement, 12

Wolf C.;Spurr N.;Nebert D. 01-01-1992. Identification of genetic differences in debrisoquine hydroxylase activity Hepatology, 15 2, 360-360

Nebert D. 01-01-1980. Pharmacogenetics: An approach to understanding chemical and biologic aspects of cancer Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 64 6, 1279-1290

Nebert D.;Shum S. 01-01-1980. Reply to the letter of doctors Shepard and Fantel Teratology, 22 3, 349-350

Pelkonen O.;Vahakangas K.;Nebert D. 01-01-1980. Binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to dna: Comparison with mutagenesis and tumorigenesis Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 6 5-6, 89-100