- Master of Business Administration (MBA): University of Oklahoma
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): University of Florida (Environmental Engineering Sciences)
- Master of Science (M.S.): Nankai University (Environmental Management and Economics)
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Nankai University (Environmental Engineering)
- Kettering Lab Complex 429
- Office 513-558-4301
- Email wang6ju@ucmail.uc.edu
Link to WANG LAB
Measure and assess emission and exposure of aerosols and gases from conventional and emerging sources. Develop innovative methodologies to quantify cytotoxicity, oxidative potential, and respiratory deposition of ultrafine aerosols and nanoparticles. Design next-generation sensory detection, engineering control, and PPE to reduce inhalation exposure to airborne toxins. Study occupational-related stress and how it relates to workers exposure....
Peer Reviewed Publications
Fang, Runcheng; Mohammed, Afzaal Nadeem; Yadav, Jagjit Singh; Wang, Jun 2023. Cytotoxicity and characterization of ultrafine particles from desktop three-dimensional printers with multiple filaments Toxics, 11 9, 720
Gerding, Thomas.; Wang, Jun; Newman, Nicholas 2023. Examining work stress and air pollutants exposure of home healthcare workers Atmosphere, 14 9, 1393
Gerding, Thomas; Davis, Kermit; Wang, Jun 2023. An investigation into occupational related stress of at-risk workers during COVID-19 Ann Work Expo Health, 67 1 , 118-128
Gerding, Thomas; Wang, Jun 2022. Stressed at work: investigating the relationship between occupational stress and salivary cortisol fluctuations Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19 19 , 122687
McCann, Adam; Singerman, Kyle; Coxe, James; Singletary, John; Wang, Jun; Collar, Ryan; Hsieh, Tsung-Yen 2022. Quantifying aerosol generation in maxillofacial trauma repair techniques Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr., 15 4 , 362-368
Ward, Ryan; Tilly, Trevor; Mazhar, Syeda Irsa; Robinson, Sarah; Eiguren-Fernandez, Arantzazu; Wang, Jun; Sabo-Attwood, Tara; Wu, Chang-Yu 2020. Mimicking the human respiratory system: online in vitro cell exposure for toxicity assessment of welding fume aerosol J Haz Mat., 395 10 , 122687
Fang, Li; Qiu, Fengmei; Li, Ying; Wang, Shizhong; DeGuzman, Josephine; Wang, Jun; She, Jianwen 2019. Determination of carbazole and halogenated carbazoles in human serum samples using GC-MS/MS Fuel Proc Technol., 184 12 , 109609
Su, Wei-Chung; Chen, Yi; Bezerra, Marcio; Wang, Jun 2019. Respiratory deposition of ultrafine welding fume particles Fuel Proc Technol., 16 10 , 694-706
Zhao, Jianan; Feng, Yu; Bezerra, Marcio; Wang, Jun; Sperry, Ted 2019. Numerical simulation of welding fume lung dosimetry J Aerosol Sci., 135 10 , 113-129
Feng, Yu; Zhao, Jianan; Kleinstreuer, Clement; Wang, Qingsheng; Wang, Jun; Wu, Dee; Lin, Jiang 2018. An in silico inter-subject variability study of extra-thoracic morphology effects on inhaled particle transport and deposition J. Aerosol Sci., 123 4 , 185-207
Floyd, Evan; Queimado, Lurdes; Wang, Jun; Regens, James; Johnson, David 2018. Electronic cigarette power affects count concentration and particle size distribution of vaping aerosol PLoS One, 13 12 , e0210147
Jiang, Shaojian; Liu, Xi; Li, Hailong; Wang, Jun; Yang, Zequn; Peng, Haoyi; Shih, Kaimin 2018. Synergistic effect of HCl and NO in elemental mercury catalytic oxidation over La2O3-TiO2 catalyst Fuel, 215 12 , 232-238
Johnson, David; Lynch, Robert; Floyd, Evan; Wang, Jun; Bartels, Jacob 2018. Indoor air quality in classrooms: Environmental measures and effective ventilation rate modeling in urban elementary schools Build Environ., 136 12 , 185-197
Li, Hailong; Zhang, Weilin; Wang, Jun; Yang, Zequn; Li, Liqing; Shih, Kaimin 2018. Copper slag as a catalyst for mercury oxidation in coal combustion flue gas Waste Manage., 74 12 , 253-259
Li, Hailong; Zhao, Jiexia; Zhang, Weilin; Yang, Jianping; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Mingguang; Yang, Zequn; Li, Liqing; Shih, Kaimin 2018. NH3 inhibits mercury oxidation over low-temperature MnOx/TiO2 SCR catalyst Fuel Proc Technol., 176 12 , 124-130
Fang, Haiqin; Wang, Jun; Lynch, Robert 2017. Migration of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butylphthalate (DBP) from polypropylene food containers Food Control, 73 17 , 1298-1302
Floyd, Evan; Wang, Jun; Regens, James 2017. Fume emissions from a low-cost 3-D printer with various filaments Food Control, 14 7 , 523-533
Li, Hailong; Zhang, Weilin; Wang, Jun; Yang, Zequn; Li, Liqing; Shih, Kaimin 2017. Coexistence of enhanced Hg0 oxidation and induced Hg2+ reduction on CuO/TiO2 catalyst in the presence of NO and NH3 Chem Eng J., 330 7 , 1248-1254
Li, Hailong; Zhu, Lei; Wang, Jun; Li, Liqing; Lee, Po-Heng; Feng, Yong; Shih, Kaimin 2017. Effect of nitrogen oxides on elemental mercury removal by nanosized mineral sulfide Environ Sci Technol., 51 15 , 8530-8536
Wang, Jun; Hoang, Tien; Floyd, Evan; Regens, James 2017. Characterization of Particulate Fume and Oxides Emission from Stainless Steel Plasma Cutting Ann Work Expo Health, 61 3 , 311-320
Wang, Jun; Li, Hailong; Bezerra, Marcio 2017. Assessment of shooterâ??s task-based exposure to airborne lead and acidic gas at indoor and outdoor ranges J Chem Health Saf., 24 4 , 14-21
Li, Hailong; Zhu, Lei; Wang, Jun; Li, Liqing; Shih, Kaimin 2016. Development of nano-sulfide sorbent for efficient removal of elemental mercury from coal combustion fuel gas Environ Sci Technol., 50 17 , 9551-9557
Hayes, Joshua; Wang, Jun; Roessler, Justin; Ferraro, Christopher; Wu, Chang-Yu; Deford, Dale; Townsend, Timothy 2015. Evaluation of leaching of trace metals from concrete amended with cement kiln baghouse filter dust Resour Conserv Recycl., 94 4 , 92-98
Li, Hailong; Wu, Shaokang; Li, Liqing; Wang, Jun; Ma, Weiwu; Shih, Kaimin 2015. CuOâ??CeO2/TiO2 catalyst for simultaneous NO reduction and Hg0 oxidation at low temperatures Catal Sci Technol., 5 12 , 5129-5138
Li, Hailong; Wu, Shaokang; Wu, Chang-Yu; Wang, Jun; Li, Liqing; Shih, Kaimin 2015. SCR atmosphere induced reduction of oxidized mercury over CuOâ??CeO2/TiO2 catalyst Environ Sci Technol., 49 12 , 7373-7379
Jin, Taosheng; Qu, Liang; Liu, Shuangxi; Gao, Jiajia; Wang, Jun; Wang, Fang; Zhang, Pengfei; Bai, Zhipeng; Xu, Xiaohong 2014. Chemical characteristics of particulate matter emitted from a heavy duty diesel engine and correlation among inorganic and PAH components Fuel, 116 12 , 655-661
Li, Hailong; Wu, Xianying; Wang, Mingxia; Wang, Jun; Wu, Shaokang; Yao, Xiaolong; Li, Liqing 2014. Separation of elemental sulfur from zinc concentrate direct leaching residue by vacuum distillation Sep Purif Technol., 138 12 , 41-46
Wang, Jun; Hayes, Josh; Wu, Chang-Yu; Townsend, Timothy; Schert, John; Vinson, Tim; Deliz, Katherine; Bonzongo, Jean-Claude 2014. Characterization of vapor phase mercury released from concrete processing with baghouse filter dust added cement Environ Sci Technol., 48 4 , 2481-2487
Wang, Jun; Wu, Chang-Yu; Franke, Gene 2014. Effectiveness of amorphous silica encapsulation technology on welding fume particles and its impact on mechanical properties of welds Mat Des., 54 4 , 79-86
Wang, Jun; Jin, Liangmao; Gao, Junhua; Shi, Jianwu; Zhao, Yanlin; Liu, Shuangxi; Jin, Taosheng; Bai, Zhipeng; Wu, Chang-Yu 2013. Investigation of speciated VOC in gasoline vehicular exhaust under ECE and EUDC test cycles Sci Total Environ., 445-446 12 , 110-116
Hall, Danielle; Wu, Chang-Yu; Hsu, Yu-Mei; Stormer, James; Engling, Guenter; Capeto, Krisha; Wang, Jun; Brown, Scott; Li, Hsing-Wang; Yu, Kuei-Min 2012. PAHs, carbonyls, VOCs and PM2.5 emission factors for pre-harvest burning of Florida sugarcane Atmo Environ., 55 2 , 164-172
Topham, Nathan; Wang, Jun; Kalivoda, Mark; Huang, Joyce; Yu, Kuei-Min; Hsu, Yu-Mei; Wu, Chang-Yu; Oh, Sewon; Cho, Kuk; Paulson, Kathleen 2012. Control of Cr6+ emissions from gas metal arc welding using a silica precursor as a shielding gas additive Atmo Environ., 56 2 , 233-41
Wang, Jun; Kalivoda, Mark; Guan, Jianying; Theodore, Alexandros; Sharby, Jessica; Wu, Chang-Yu; Paulson, Kathleen; Es-Said, Omar 2012. Double shroud delivery of silica precursor for reducing hexavalent chromium in welding fume Atmo Environ., 9 12 , 733-42
Zhao, Cunyu; Liu, Lianjun; Zhang, Qianyi; Wang, Jun; Li, Ying 2012. Photocatalytic conversion of CO2 and H2O to fuels by nanostructured Ceâ??TiO2/SBA-15 composites Catal Sci Technol., 2 12 , 2558-2568
Li, Weifang; Peng, Yue; Shi, Jianwu; Qiu, Weiguang; Wang, Jun; Bai, Zhipeng 2011. Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the urban Northeast Region of China: Profiles, distributions and sources Atmo Environ., 45 40 , 7664-7671
Paulson, Kathleen; Wang, Jun; Topham, Nathan; Wu, Chang-Yu; Alexandrov, Boian; Lippold, John; Es-Said, Omar 2011. Alternatives for joining stainless steel to reduce Cr(VI) emissions and occupational exposures J Ship Prod Des., 27 02 , 91-97
Wang, Jun; Topham, Nathan; Wu, Chang-Yu 2011. Determination of silica coating efficiency on metal particles using multiple digestion methods Talanta, 85 5 , 2655-61
Yu, Kuei-Min; Topham, Nathan; Wang, Jun; Kalivoda, Mark; Tseng, Yiider; Wu, Chang-Yu; Lee, Wen-Jhy; Cho, Kuk 2011. Decreasing biotoxicity of fume particles produced in welding process J Hazard Mat., 185 2 , 1587-1591