- Fellowship : Medical Education Research Association of American Medical Colleges
- Residency : University of Cincinnati Medical Center (Internal Medicine )
- Medical Degree: Jefferson Medical College (Medicine)
- Bachelor's Degree: Univeristy of Scranton
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 1987-09-16)
Internal Medicine
- Medical Sciences Building 7559
- Office 513-558-7581
- Email sostokma@ucmail.uc.edu
Research: Simulation in Medical Education
Practice: General Internal Medicine/Primary Care
Clinical Interests
Internal Medicine
Preventive Health
Primary Care
Peer Reviewed Publications
Barry, CT; Avissar, U; Asebrook, M; Sostok, MA; Sherrman, KE; Zucker, SD 2010. Use of a Standardized Patient Exercise to Assess Core Competencies During Fellowship Training. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2 1,
Barry, Curtis T; Avissar, Uri; Asebrook, Maureen; Sostok, Michael A; Sherman, Kenneth E; Zucker, Stephen D 2010. Use of a standardized patient exercise to assess core competencies during fellowship training. Journal of graduate medical education, 2 1, 111-7
Kissela, B; Harris, S; Kleindorfer, D; Lindsell, C; Pascuzzi, R; Woo, D; Szaflarski, J; Kanter, D; Schneider, A; Sostok, M, Broderick, J 2006. The Use of Standardized Patients for Mock Oral Board Exams In Neurology: A Pilot Study. BMC Medical Education, 6 22,
Sostok, MA; Coberly, L; Rouan, GW 2002. A Closer Look at the Feedback Process Between Faculty and Students. Academic Medicine, ,
Sostok, Michael A; Coberly, LeAnn; Rouan, Gregory 2002. Feedback process between faculty and students. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 77 3, 267
Osborne,S: Sostok, MA: Branch, W et al 1997. Recruiting and Retaining Clinician Educators Journal of General Internal Medicine, Supplement April,
Sostok, M A; Luke, R G; Rouan, G W 1995. Confronting the costs of ambulatory-care training. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 70 11, 949-50
Sostok, MA; Luke, RG; Rouan, GW 1995. Impact Upon the Time Commitment of Faculty When Teaching Third-Year Medical Students on Ambulatory Versus Inpatient Rotations. Academic Medicine, 70 , 949
Abstract Publications
K. Ballman, C. Colella, T. Berry, M. Sostok 2016. Interactive Case Studies: An Innovative use of Standardized Patients for Distance Learners. Journal of the Society of Simulation in Healthcare, ,
Sostok, MA; Heimburger, G; Asebrook, M 2008. Using Simulation to Improve Medical Students' Ability to Recognize Abnormal Heart Sounds: A Longitudinal Study Simulation in Health Care, 2 4, 279
Sostok, MA; Filak, A; Brewer, D 2004. Do Faculty and Standardized Patient Evaluation of Students' Clinical Skills Agree? Journal of General Internal Medicine, ,
Sostok, MA; Coberly, L; Warm, E; Rouan, GW 2002. Developing Self-Assessment Skills of Students Academic Medicine, ,
Sostok, MA; et al 2001. Impact of a Mission Based Faculty Development Program Journal of General Internal Medicine, ,
Sostok, MA; Coberly, L; Rouan, GW 1998. Do Faculty Teaching Priorities Match Students' Self Assessment of Their Competency in an Ambulatory Experience? Journal of General Internal Medicine, ,