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Photo of  Eric I. Gruenstein, PhD


  • MDA Association Fellow: MIT
  • Post Doc: NIH
  • PhD: Duke University (Biochemistry)

Research Interests

Learning and memory are a result of changes in the efficiency with which neurons are able to communicate with each other at structures called synapses. Over the past 2-3 decades we have learned that the strength of synapses can be increased as a result of mental activity and that such increases are often required for memory. One of the most active areas in modern neuroscience research is trying to understand at the cellular and molecular level just what causes the increased synaptic strength and how it ca...

Peer Reviewed Publications

Gruenstein, Eric I; Schlemm, Donna J; Bethi, Mridula; Keller, Stephen J 2018. The early signaling pathway of live yeast cell derivative in THP-1 monocytes. Cell calcium, 73 , 112-120

French, D A; Gruenstein, E I 2006. An integrate-and-fire model for synchronized bursting in a network of cultured cortical neurons. Journal of computational neuroscience, 21 3, 227-41

Kutcher, Louis W; Beauman, Shirelyn R; Gruenstein, Eric I; Kaetzel, Marcia A; Dedman, John R 2003. Nuclear CaMKII inhibits neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells without affecting MAPK or CREB activation. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology, 284 6, C1334-45

Wang, X-S, E. Gruenstein, and F. Zemlan 1998. Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) Peptide Regulates Tau Phosphorylation via Two Different Signaling Pathways J Neurosci. Res, 51 , 658

Wang, X-S., and E. Gruenstein 1997. The Rapid Elevation of Neuronal Cytoplasmic Calcium by Apolipoprotein E Peptide J. Cell. Physiol , 173 , 73

Wang, X-S., G. Ciraolo, R. Morris, and E. Gruenstein 1997. Identification of a Neuronal Endocytic Pathway Activated by an Apolipoprotein E Receptor Binding Peptide Brain Res, 778 , 6

Wang, X; Gruenstein, E I 1997. Mechanism of synchronized Ca2+ oscillations in cortical neurons. Brain research, 767 2, 239-49