- Medical Sciences Building G479
- Office 135-854-5465
- Email pathrop@ucmail.uc.edu
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sullivan, Camille; Brown, Nicholas E; Vasiliauskas, Juozas; Pathrose, Peterson; Starnes, Sandra L; Waltz, Susan E 2020. Prostate Epithelial RON Signaling Promotes M2 Macrophage Activation to Drive Prostate Tumor Growth and Progression. Molecular cancer research : MCR, 18 8, 1244-1254
Karim, Nagla A; Bui, Hai; Pathrose, Peterson; Starnes, Sandra; Patil, Ninad; Shehata, Mahmoud; Mostafa, Ahmed; Rao, Mb; Zarzour, Ahmad; Anderson, Marshall 2014. The use of pharmacogenomics for selection of therapy in non-small-cell lung cancer. Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology, 8 , 139-44
Starnes, Sandra L; Pathrose, Peterson; Wang, Jiang; Succop, Paul; Morris, John C; Bridges, James; Kupert, Elena Y; Anderson, Marshall 2012. Clinical and molecular predictors of recurrence in stage I non-small cell lung cancer. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 93 5, 1606-12
Thobe M.;Gray J.;Gurusamy D.;Paluch A.;Wagh P.;Pathrose P.;Lentsch A.;Waltz S. 12-15-2011. The Ron receptor promotes prostate tumor growth in the TRAMP mouse model Oncogene, 30 50, 4990-4998
Zinser G.;Leonis M.;Toney K.;Pathrose P.;Thobe M.;Kader S.;Peace B.;Beauman S.;Collins M.;Waltz S. 12-15-2006. Mammary-specific Ron receptor overexpression induces highly metastatic mammary tumors associated wit Cancer Research, 66 24, 11967-11974
Seta K.;Kim H.W.;Yuan Y.;Lu G.;Spicer Z.;Kim R.;Ferguson T.;Pathrose P.;Millhorn D.E. 12-01-2002. Gene expression microarrays: A platform for discovery in biological systems ACS Symposium Series, 815 , 3-21
Meyer S.;Zinser G.;Stuart W.;Pathrose P.;Waltz S. 09-01-2009. The Ron receptor tyrosine kinase negatively regulates mammary gland branching morphogenesis Developmental Biology, 333 1, 173-185
Joshi J.;Fernandez-Marcos P.J.;Galvez A.;Amanchy R.;Linares J.F.;Duran A.;Pathrose P.;Leitges M.;Cañamero M.;Collado M.;Salas C.;Serrano M.;Moscat J.;Diaz-Meco M.T. 08-20-2008. Par-4 inhibits Akt and suppresses Ras-induced lung tumorigenesis EMBO Journal, 27 16, 2181-2193
Seta K.;Kim H.;Ferguson T.;Kim R.;Pathrose P.;Yuan Y.;Gang L.;Spicer Z.;Millhorn D. 06-05-2002. Genomic and physiological analysis of oxygen sensitivity and hypoxia tolerance in PC12 cells Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 971 , 379-388
Gurusamy D.;Gray J.;Pathrose P.;Kulkarni R.;Finkleman F.;Waltz S. 03-15-2013. Myeloid-specific expression of Ron receptor kinase promotes prostate tumor growth Cancer Research, 73 6, 1752-1763
Lentsch A.;Pathrose P.;Kader S.;Kuboki S.;Collins M.;Waltz S. 03-01-2007. The Ron receptor tyrosine kinase regulates acute lung injury and suppresses nuclear factor ?B activa Shock, 27 3, 274-280
Benight N.;Wagh P.;Zinser G.;Peace B.;Stuart W.;Vasiliauskas J.;Pathrose P.;Starnes S.;Waltz S. 01-01-2015. HGFL supports mammary tumorigenesis by enhancing tumor cell intrinsic survival and influencing macro Oncotarget, 6 19, 17445-17461
Karim N.;Bui H.;Pathrose P.;Starnes S.;Patil N.;Shehata M.;Mostafa A.;Rao M.;Zarzour A.;Anderson M. 01-01-2014. The use of pharmacogenomics for selection of therapy in Non-Small-Cell lung cancer Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology, 8 , 139-144
Vasiliauskas J.;Nashu M.;Pathrose P.;Starnes S.;Waltz S. 01-01-2014. Hepatocyte growth factor-like protein is required for prostate tumor growth in the TRAMP mouse model Oncotarget, 5 14, 5547-5558
Starnes S.;Pathrose P.;Wang J.;Succop P.;Morris J.;Bridges J.;Kupert E.;Anderson M. 01-01-2012. Clinical and molecular predictors of recurrence in stage i non-small cell lung cancer Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 93 5, 1606-1612
Thobe M.;Gurusamy D.;Pathrose P.;Waltz S. 01-01-2010. The Ron receptor tyrosine kinase positively regulates angiogenic chemokine production in prostate ca Oncogene, 29 2, 214-226
Galvez A.S.;Duran A.;Linares J.F.;Pathrose P.;Castilla E.A.;Abu-Baker S.;Leitges M.;Diaz-Meco M.T.;Moscat J. 01-01-2009. Protein kinase C? represses the interleukin-6 promoter and impairs tumorigenesis in vivo? Molecular and Cellular Biology, 29 1, 104-115
Chan E.;Peace B.;Toney K.;Kader S.;Pathrose P.;Collins M.;Waltz S. 01-01-2007. Homozygous K5Cre transgenic mice have wavy hair and accelerated malignant progression in a murine mo Molecular Carcinogenesis, 46 1, 49-59
Seta K.A.;Yuan Y.;Spicer Z.;Lu G.;Bedard J.;Ferguson T.K.;Pathrose P.;Cole-Strauss A.;Kaufhold A.;Millhorn D.E. 01-01-2004. The role of calcium in hypoxia-induced signal transduction and gene expression Cell Calcium, 36 3-4, 331-340