- Burn Surgery Fellowship: Richard M Fairbanks Burn Center, Indiana University
- Senior Fellowship in Hand and Microsurgery: Christine M Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery
- Hand and Microsurgery Fellowship: Christine M Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery
- Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery Residency: College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Medical Degree: Army Medical College, National University of Science and Technology (NUST)
- Medical Sciences Building
- Office 513-558-4363
- Email qaziua@ucmail.uc.edu
Clinical Interests
Burn injury
Hand Injuries
Peer Reviewed Publications
Qazi, Uzair; Bhandari, Laxminarayan 2023. The International Medical Graduate Perspective in Hand Surgery: Legacy and Future Challenges. Hand clinics, 39 1, 87-93
Zahid, Rehan; Qazi, Uzair; Farner, Scott 2022. Spontaneous Midsubstance Rupture of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon of the Long Finger. Journal of hand surgery global online, 4 5, 306-310
Qazi, Uzair; Bhandari, Laxminarayan 2021. Use of Integra® as a Temporizing Measure Before Definitive Flap Surgery in Mangled Extremities Requiring Revascularization. Cureus, 13 6, e16053
Qazi, Uzair A; Sutton, Julianne; Farner, Scott C; Bhandari, Laxminarayan 2020. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Practice of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeons. Cureus, 12 12, e12072
Habibullah Shah, Uzair Ahmed Qazi, Huma Gul, A Khan, R Khan 2015. Frequency of Early Complications After Two Staged Aivar Bracka (AB) Repair of Hypospadias Khyber Journal Of Medical Sciences, 8 3, 334
Habibullah Shah, Uzair Ahmed Qazi, Huma Gul, Saadia Atta Khan 2015. Frequency of late complications after two staged AivarBracka (AB) repair of Hypospadias Pak J Surg, 31 3, 185
Shumaila Yousaf, Uzair A Qazi, Ishtiaq ur Rehman, Samia Fatima, Mamoon Rashid 2014. A case report of Bilateral mastectomies with bilateral free TRAM flaps in one surgery Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons, 1 1, 20
Rashid, Mamoon; Salahuddin, Omer; Yousaf, Shumaila; Qazi, Uzair A; Yousaf, Kanwal 2013. Schwannoma of the brachial plexus; report of two cases involving the C7 root. Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury, 8 1, 12
Omer Salahuddin, Dr Kanwal Yousaf, Mamoon Rashid, Shumaila Yousaf, Uzair A Qazi, Saleem A Malik 2012. One Year Audit of Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Foot Defects PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY, 1 3, 8
Rashid M.; Salahuddin O.; Yousaf S.; Qazi U.; Yousaf K. 11-04-2013. Schwannoma of the brachial plexus; report of two cases involving the C7 root Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury, 8 1,
Qazi U.A.; Palazzo M.D. 10-01-2021. Icing the Muffin (Sponge): An Easily Reproducible and Cost-Effective Dressing Technique Used for Nip Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 45 5, 2514-2520
Qazi U.; Palazzo M. 08-01-2022. Yin-Yang nipple reconstruction technique/gender neutral nipple reconstruction European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 45 4, 649-654
Qazi U.; Orakzai I.; Rashid M. 05-01-2017. The bilobed flap — a better option for soft tissue release in the management of radial club hand Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 67 5, 698-700
Zahid R.; Qazi U.; Farner S. 01-01-2022. Spontaneous Midsubstance Rupture of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon of the Long Finger Journal of Hand Surgery Global Online, ,
Salahuddin O.; Yousaf K.; Rashid M.; Yousaf S.; Qazi U.; Ishtiaq-ur-Rehman 01-01-2014. Congenital alveolar synechiae with cleft palate Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 64 6, 703-704