- Bachelor's Degree: University of Michigan
- Medical Degree: Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
- Master of Science in Public Health: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
- General Surgery Residency: University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital
- Post Doctoral Research Fellowship: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
- Thoracic Surgery Fellowship: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
American Board of Surgery (Certification Date: 2016-11-14)
American Board of Thoracic Surgery (Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery) (Certification Date: 2019-06-07)
Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
- Medical Sciences Building
- Email vanharrm@ucmail.uc.edu
Clinical Interests
Lung Cancer
Rare Lung Disease
Thoracic Surgery
Bronchiolo-Alveolar Adenocarcinoma
Bronchogenic Carcinoma
Malignant Mesothelioma (Mesothelioma)
Malignant Pleural Effusion
Mediastinal Cancers
Mediastinal Tumors
Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Other Complex Thoracic Cancers
Pectus Carinatum
Pleural Cancers
Respiratory Cancers
Respiratory Papilloma
Small Cell Carcinoma
Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Thoracic Cancer
Peer Reviewed Publications
Chandwani, Rahul; Brokamp, Cole; Salfity, Hai; Starnes, Sandra L; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. Impact of Environmental Exposures on Lung Cancer in Patients Who Never Smoked. World journal of surgery, ,
Cooley-Rieders, Keaton; Glenn, Carter; Van Haren, Robert M; Salfity, Hai; Starnes, Sandra L 2023. A decade of surgical outcomes in a structured lung cancer screening program. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, ,
Rabenstein, Andrew P; Santore, Lee Ann; Starnes, Sandra L; Van Haren, Robert M; Balaguer, Jorge M; Abdel-Misih, Sherif 2023. Cardiac Surgery Exposure in General Surgery Residency-A Survey of General Surgery Residency Program Directors. Journal of surgical education, 80 5, 633-638
Sisak, Stephanie; Salyer, Christen E; Cortez, Alexander R; Vaysburg, Dennis M; Quillin, R Cutler; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. Experience of surgical subspecialty residents on general surgery rotations. American journal of surgery, 225 4, 673-678
Turner, Kevin M; Delman, Aaron M; Griffith, Azante; Wima, Koffi; Wallen, Taylor E; Starnes, Sandra L; Budde, Bradley M; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. The Impact of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery on Persistent Opioid Use Following Pulmonary Resection. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 115 1, 249-255
Turner, Kevin M; Delman, Aaron M; Johnson, Keilan; Patel, Sameer H; Wilson, Gregory C; Shah, Shimul A; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. Robotic-Assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy: Postoperative Outcomes in a Nationwide Cohort. The Journal of surgical research, 283 , 152-160
Turner, Kevin M; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. Long-term Opioid Use Reduced With Enhanced Recovery Pathways, But the Job Is Not Done. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 115 1, 247-248
Vaysburg, Dennis M; Delman, Aaron M; Ammann, Allison M; Turner, Kevin M; Winer, Leah K; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Quillin, Ralph C; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. General Surgery Residency Virtual Recruitment During the Pandemic: An Analysis of Applicant Surveys. The Journal of surgical research, 283 , 33-41
Whitham, Tarik; Wima, Koffi; Harnett, Brett; Kues, John R; Eckman, Mark H; Starnes, Sandra L; Schmidt, Katherine A; Kapur, Sangita; Salfity, Hai; Van Haren, Robert M 2023. Lung cancer screening utilization rate varies based on patient, provider, and hospital factors. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, ,
Bailey, James; Van Haren, Robert M 2022. Complementary Roles of Screening and Nodule Programs for Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Diverse Populations. Annals of surgical oncology, 29 9, 5347-5349
Cooley-Rieders, Keaton; Van Haren, Robert M 2022. Mediastinal thymic cysts: a narrative review. Mediastinum (Hong Kong, China), 6 , 33
Delman, Aaron M; Turner, Kevin M; Ammann, Allison M; Schepers, Emily; Vaysburg, Dennis M; Cortez, Alex R; Van Haren, Robert M; Wilson, Greg C; Shah, Shimul A; Quillin, Ralph C 2022. The volume-outcomes relationship in donation after circulatory death liver transplantation. Clinical transplantation, 36 6, e14658
Delman, Aaron M; Turner, Kevin M; Wima, Koffi; Simon, Victoria E; Starnes, Sandra L; Shah, Shimul A; Van Haren, Robert M 2022. Offering lung resection to current smokers: An opportunity for more equitable care. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 164 2, 400-408.e1
Delman, Aaron M; Van Haren, Robert M 2022. Commentary: Mitigating lung cancer mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 164 1, 241-242
Delman, Aaron M; Van Haren, Robert M 2022. Commentary: Semper ad meliora: Continuous improvement in enhanced recovery pathways. JTCVS open, 9 , 329-330
Miller, James A; Tatakis, Anna; Van Haren, Robert M; Kapur, Sangita; Pathrose, Peterson; Hemingway, Mona; Starnes, Sandra L 2022. A Structured Program Maximizes Benefit of Lung Cancer Screening in an Area of Endemic Histoplasmosis. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 114 1, 241-247
Vaysburg, Dennis M; Wells, Dennis; Lynch, Caroline; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Cortez, Alexander R; Potts, John R; Starnes, Sandra L; Quillin, R Cutler; Van Haren, Robert M 2022. Impact of Integrated Thoracic Residency on General Surgery Residents' Thoracic Operative Volume. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 113 1, 302-307
Delman, Aaron M; Ammann, Allison M; Turner, Kevin M; Vaysburg, Dennis M; Van Haren, Robert M 2021. A narrative review of socioeconomic disparities in the treatment of esophageal cancer. Journal of thoracic disease, 13 6, 3801-3808
Delman, Aaron M; Van Haren, Robert M 2021. Simple and Scalable Targets for Prehabilitation: The Potential of Strong for Surgery. World journal of surgery, 45 6, 1715-1716
Levinsky, Nick C; Byrne, Matthew M; Hanseman, Dennis J; Cortez, Alexander R; Guitron, Julian; Starnes, Sandra L; Van Haren, Robert M 2021. Opioid Dependence After Lung Cancer Resection: Institutional Analysis of State Prescription Drug Database. World journal of surgery, 45 3, 887-896
Van Haren, Robert M; Delman, Aaron M; Turner, Kevin M; Waits, Brandy; Hemingway, Mona; Shah, Shimul A; Starnes, Sandra L 2021. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Lung Cancer Screening Program and Subsequent Lung Cancer. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 232 4, 600-605
Vaysburg, Dennis M; Cortez, Alexander R; Hanseman, Dennis J; Delman, Aaron M; Morris, Christopher; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Kutz, David; Lewis, Jaime; Van Haren, Robert M; Quillin, R Cutler 2021. An analysis of applicant competitiveness to general surgery, surgical subspecialties, and integrated programs. Surgery, 170 4, 1087-1092
Vaysburg, Dennis M; Morris, Christopher; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Delman, Aaron M; Ammann, Allison M; Cortez, Alexander R; Van Haren, Robert M; Quillin, Ralph C 2021. Who is Committed to Education? An Analysis of Surgical Education Research Publications. Journal of surgical education, 78 6, e93-e99
Van Haren, Robert M; Correa, Arlene M; Sepesi, Boris; Rice, David C; Hofstetter, Wayne L; Roth, Jack A; Swisher, Stephen G; Walsh, Garrett L; Vaporciyan, Ara A; Mehran, Reza J; Antonoff, Mara B 2020. Hospital readmissions after pulmonary resection: post-discharge nursing telephone assessment identifies high risk patients. Journal of thoracic disease, 12 3, 184-190
Van Haren, Robert M; Shah, Shimul A 2020. Improving Safety Culture-To Err Is Human. JAMA surgery, 155 10, 940-941
Mitchell, Kyle G; Corsini, Erin M; Van Haren, Robert M; Walsh, Garrett L; Sepesi, Boris 2019. A case report of a midesophageal diverticulum mimicking a fibrovascular esophageal polyp. International journal of surgery case reports, 59 , 205-207
Van Haren, Robert M; Atay, Scott M 2019. Enhancing the study of enhanced recovery after thoracic surgery: methodology and population-based approaches for the future. Journal of thoracic disease, 11 Suppl 4, S612-S618
Van Haren, Robert M; Litle, Virginia R 2018. Venous thromboembolism events after thoracic surgery: global steps toward prevention. Journal of thoracic disease, 10 Suppl 26, S3058-S3059
Van Haren, Robert M; Mehran, Reza J; Mena, Gabriel E; Correa, Arlene M; Antonoff, Mara B; Baker, Carla M; Woodard, Ta Charra; Hofstetter, Wayne L; Roth, Jack A; Sepesi, Boris; Swisher, Stephen G; Vaporciyan, Ara A; Walsh, Garrett L; Rice, David C 2018. Enhanced Recovery Decreases Pulmonary and Cardiac Complications After Thoracotomy for Lung Cancer. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 106 1, 272-279
Rosen, Jordan D; Lane, Rebecca S; Martinez, Jose M; Perez, Eduardo A; Tashiro, Jun; Wagenaar, Amy E; Van Haren, Robert M; Kumar, Ashwini; Sola, Juan E 2017. Success and safety of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in children. Journal of pediatric surgery, 52 7, 1148-1151
Van Haren, Robert M; Goldstein, Lee J; Velazquez, Omaida C; Karmacharya, Jagajan; Bornak, Arash 2017. Endovascular treatment of TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus D aortoiliac occlusive disease using unibody bifurcated endografts. Journal of vascular surgery, 65 2, 398-405
Meizoso, Jonathan P; Allen, Casey J; Ray, Juliet J; Van Haren, Robert M; Teisch, Laura F; Baez, Xiomara Ruiz; Livingstone, Alan S; Namias, Nicholas; Schulman, Carl I; Proctor, Kenneth G 2016. Evaluation of Miniature Wireless Vital Signs Monitor in a Trauma Intensive Care Unit. Military medicine, 181 5 Suppl, 199-204
Ray, Juliet J; Meizoso, Jonathan P; Satahoo, Shevonne S; Davis, James S; Van Haren, Robert M; Dermer, Harrison; Jill, Graygo; Bahouth, George T; Blackbourne, Lorne H; Schulman, Carl I 2016. Potentially preventable prehospital deaths from motor vehicle collisions. Traffic injury prevention, 17 7, 676-80
Meizoso, Jonathan P; Ray, Juliet J; Allen, Casey J; Van Haren, Robert M; Ruiz, Gabriel; Namias, Nicholas; Schulman, Carl I; Pizano, Louis R; Proctor, Kenneth G 2015. Hypercoagulability and venous thromboembolism in burn patients. Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis, 41 1, 43-8
Davis, James S; Satahoo, Shevonne S; Butler, Frank K; Dermer, Harrison; Naranjo, Daniel; Julien, Katherina; Van Haren, Robert M; Namias, Nicholas; Blackbourne, Lorne H; Schulman, Carl I 2014. An analysis of prehospital deaths: Who can we save? The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 77 2, 213-8
Ryan, Mark L; Van Haren, Robert M; Thorson, Chad M; Andrews, David M; Perez, Eduardo A; Neville, Holly L; Sola, Juan E; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Trauma induced hypercoagulablity in pediatric patients. Journal of pediatric surgery, 49 8, 1295-9
Thorson, Chad M; Van Haren, Robert M; Ryan, Mark L; Curia, Emiliano; Sleeman, Danny; Levi, Joe U; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Pre-existing hypercoagulability in patients undergoing potentially curative cancer resection. Surgery, 155 1, 134-44
Valle, Evan J; Allen, Casey J; Van Haren, Robert M; Jouria, Jassin M; Li, Hua; Livingstone, Alan S; Namias, Nicholas; Schulman, Carl I; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Do all trauma patients benefit from tranexamic acid? The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 76 6, 1373-8
Valle, Evan J; Van Haren, Robert M; Allen, Casey J; Jouria, Jassin M; Bullock, M Ross; Schulman, Carl I; Namias, Nicholas; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Does traumatic brain injury increase the risk for venous thromboembolism in polytrauma patients? The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 77 2, 243-50
Van Haren, Robert M; Thorson, Chad M; Valle, Evan J; Busko, Alexander M; Jouria, Jassin M; Livingstone, Alan S; Namias, Nicholas; Schulman, Carl I; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Novel prehospital monitor with injury acuity alarm to identify trauma patients who require lifesaving intervention. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 76 3, 743-9
Van Haren, Robert M; Thorson, Chad M; Valle, Evan J; Guarch, Gerardo A; Jouria, Jassin M; Busko, Alexander M; Namias, Nicholas; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Vasopressor use during emergency trauma surgery. The American surgeon, 80 5, 472-8
Van Haren, Robert M; Valle, Evan J; Thorson, Chad M; Guarch, Gerardo A; Jouria, Jassin M; Andrews, David M; Sleeman, Danny; Levi, Joe U; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Long-term coagulation changes after resection of thoracoabdominal malignancies. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 218 4, 846-54
Van Haren, Robert M; Valle, Evan J; Thorson, Chad M; Jouria, Jassin M; Busko, Alexander M; Guarch, Gerardo A; Namias, Nicholas; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2014. Hypercoagulability and other risk factors in trauma intensive care unit patients with venous thromboembolism. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 76 2, 443-9
Allan, Bassan J; Thorson, Chad M; Davis, James S; Van Haren, Robert M; Parikh, Punam P; Perez, Eduardo A; Lew, John I; Sola, Juan E 2013. An analysis of 73 cases of pediatric malignant tumors of the thymus. The Journal of surgical research, 184 1, 397-403
Allan, Bassan J; Thorson, Chad M; Van Haren, Robert M; Parikh, Punam P; Lew, John I 2013. Risk of concomitant malignancy in hyperfunctioning adrenal incidentalomas. The Journal of surgical research, 184 1, 241-6
Kitagawa, Ryan S; Van Haren, Robert M; Yokobori, Shoji; Cohen, David; Beckerman, Samuel R; Ahmad, Faiz; Bullock, M Ross 2013. Management of simultaneous traumatic brain injury and aortic injury. Journal of neurosurgery, 119 2, 324-31
Thorson, Chad M; Ryan, Mark L; Van Haren, Robert M; Pereira, Reginald; Olloqui, Jeremy; Otero, Christian A; Schulman, Carl I; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Change in hematocrit during trauma assessment predicts bleeding even with ongoing fluid resuscitation. The American surgeon, 79 4, 398-406
Thorson, Chad M; Van Haren, Robert M; Otero, Christian A; Guarch, Gerardo A; Curia, Emiliano; Barrera, Jose M; Busko, Alexander M; Namias, Nicholas; Bullock, M Ross; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Repeat head computed tomography after minimal brain injury identifies the need for craniotomy in the absence of neurologic change. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 74 4, 967-73 ; discussion
Thorson, Chad M; Van Haren, Robert M; Ryan, Mark L; Curia, Emiliano; Sleeman, Danny; Levi, Joe U; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Persistence of hypercoagulable state after resection of intra-abdominal malignancies. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 216 4, 580-9; discussion 58
Thorson, Chad M; Van Haren, Robert M; Ryan, Mark L; Pereira, Reginald; Olloqui, Jeremy; Guarch, Gerardo A; Barrera, Jose M; Busko, Alexander M; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Admission hematocrit and transfusion requirements after trauma. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 216 1, 65-73
Van Haren, Robert M; Ryan, Mark L; Thorson, Chad M; Namias, Nicholas; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Bilateral near-infrared spectroscopy for detecting traumatic vascular injury. The Journal of surgical research, 184 1, 526-32
Van Haren, Robert M; Thorson, Chad M; Ogilvie, Michael P; Valle, Evan J; Guarch, Gerardo A; Jouria, Jassin A; Busko, Alexander M; Harris, Leo T; Bullock, M Ross; Jagid, Jonathan R; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Vasopressin for cerebral perfusion pressure management in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 75 6, 1024-30; discussion
Van Haren, Robert M; Thorson, Chad M; Valle, Evan J; Busko, Alexander M; Guarch, Gerardo A; Andrews, David M; Pizano, Louis R; Schulman, Carl I; Namias, Nicholas; Proctor, Kenneth G 2013. Hypercoagulability after burn injury. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 75 1, 37-43; discussion 43
Ryan, Mark L; Thorson, Chad M; King, David R; Van Haren, Robert M; Manning, Ronald J; Andrews, David M; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2012. Insertion of central venous catheters induces a hypercoagulable state. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 73 2, 385-90
Thorson, Chad M; Dubose, Joseph J; Rhee, Peter; Knuth, Thomas E; Dorlac, Warren C; Bailey, Jeffrey A; Garcia, George D; Ryan, Mark L; Van Haren, Robert M; Proctor, Kenneth G 2012. Military trauma training at civilian centers: a decade of advancements. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 73 6 Suppl 5, S483-9
Thorson, Chad M; Namias, Nicholas; Van Haren, Robert M; Guarch, Gerardo A; Ginzburg, Enrique; Salerno, Tomas A; Schulman, Carl I; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2012. Does hemopericardium after chest trauma mandate sternotomy? The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 72 6, 1518-24; discussion
Thorson, Chad M; Ryan, Mark L; Van Haren, Robert M; Curia, Emiliano; Barrera, Jose M; Guarch, Gerardo A; Busko, Alexander M; Namias, Nicholas; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2012. Venous thromboembolism after trauma: a never event?*. Critical care medicine, 40 11, 2967-73
Van Haren, Robert M; Proctor, Kenneth G 2012. Clinically relevant animal models needed to advance state of the art fluid resuscitation*. Critical care medicine, 40 11, 3096-7
Van Haren, Robert M; Thorson, Chad M; Curia, Emiliano; Schulman, Carl I; Namias, Nicholas; Livingstone, Alan S; Proctor, Kenneth G 2012. Impact of definitions on trauma center mortality rates and performance. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 73 6, 1512-6
Van Haren, Robert M; Fitzgerald, Timothy L 2008. Intraoperative hand held gamma probe detection of a recurrent nonfunctional neuroendocrine tumor. JOP : Journal of the pancreas, 9 6, 704-7
Mulder M.B.;Proctor K.G.;Valle E.J.;Livingstone A.S.;Nguyen D.M.;Van Haren R.M. 12-01-2019. Hypercoagulability After Resection of Thoracic Malignancy: A Prospective Evaluation World Journal of Surgery, 43 12, 3232-3238
Van Haren R.M.;Thorson C.M.;Blackbourne C.L.H.;Proctor K.G. 10-01-2014. Pre-hospital fluid resuscitation in civilian and military populations Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers as Red Cell Substitutes and Oxygen Therapeutics, 9783642407178 , 127-138
Van Haren R.;Litle V. 09-01-2018. Venous thromboembolism events after thoracic surgery: Global steps toward prevention Journal of Thoracic Disease, 10 , S3058-S3059
Davis J.;Satahoo S.;Butler F.;Dermer H.;Naranjo D.;Julien K.;Van Haren R.;Namias N.;Blackbourne L.;Schulman C. 08-01-2014. Featured articles for CME credit August 2014 Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 77 2, 390-391
Van Haren R.;Correa A.;Sepesi B.;Rice D.;Hofstetter W.;Mehran R.;Vaporciyan A.;Walsh G.;Roth J.;Swisher S.;Antonoff M. 03-01-2019. Ground Glass Lesions on Chest Imaging: Evaluation of Reported Incidence in Cancer Patients Using Nat Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 107 3, 936-940
Van Haren R.M.;Rajaram R.;Correa A.M.;Mehran R.J.;Antonoff M.B.;Hofstetter W.L.;Sepesi B.;Swisher S.G.;Vaporciyan A.A.;Walsh G.L.;Rice D.C.;Roth J.A. 01-01-2020. Preoperative Heparin for Lung Cancer Resection Increases Risk of Reoperation for Bleeding Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, ,
Levinsky N.C.;Wima K.;Morris M.C.;Ahmad S.A.;Shah S.A.;Starnes S.L.;Van Haren R.M.;Patel S.H.;Sussman J.J.;Guitron J. 01-01-2019. Outcome of delayed versus timely esophagectomy after chemoradiation for esophageal adenocarcinoma Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, ,
Mitchell K.;Corsini E.;Van Haren R.;Walsh G.;Sepesi B. 01-01-2019. A case report of a midesophageal diverticulum mimicking a fibrovascular esophageal polyp International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 59 , 205-207
Van Haren R.;Atay S. 01-01-2019. Enhancing the study of enhanced recovery after thoracic surgery: Methodology and population-based ap Journal of Thoracic Disease, 11 , S612-S618
Allan B.J.;Van Haren R.M.;Wang B.;Thaller S. 01-01-2015. Secondary soft tissue reconstruction Ferraro's Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery, , 313-319
Feliciano D.;Pruitt B.;Sharp K.;Clary B.;Van Haren R. 01-01-2014. Discussion Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 218 4, 854-855
Allan B.;Thorson C.;Davis J.;Van Haren R.;Parikh P.;Perez E.;Lew J.;Sola J. 01-01-2013. An analysis of 73 cases of pediatric malignant tumors of the thymus Journal of Surgical Research, 184 1, 397-403
Allan B.;Thorson C.;Van Haren R.;Parikh P.;Lew J. 01-01-2013. Risk of concomitant malignancy in hyperfunctioning adrenal incidentalomas Journal of Surgical Research, 184 1, 241-246
Van Haren R.;Ryan M.;Thorson C.;Namias N.;Livingstone A.;Proctor K. 01-01-2013. Bilateral near-infrared spectroscopy for detecting traumatic vascular injury Journal of Surgical Research, 184 1, 526-532