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The Visiting Professor Program of the University of Cincinnati Department of Surgery is extremely important for the education of both the faculty and the residents. It gives the residents a first-hand opportunity to come into contact with the greats in American surgery, participate with them in the clinical setting, and get to know them as individuals at various luncheons and social gatherings. In addition, they lecture at Surgical Grand Rounds on work which is up-to-date and at the cutting edge of American surgery.
J. Wesley Alexander, M.D., Sc.D. (PDF)
William A. Altemeier, M.D. (PDF)
Emil L. Barrows, M.D. & Winifred Schlemmer Barrows (PDF)
Boyce Family (PDF)
J. Rawson Collins (PDF)
Copeland-Meier (PDF)
Max & Molly Ochs Fischer (PDF)
John B. Flege, Jr., M.D. (PDF)
Robert P. Hummel, M.D. (PDF)
Richard F. Kempczinski, M.D. (PDF)
John J. McDonough, Sr. & Elizabeth Ann Donovan (PDF)
Mont Reid Surgical Society (PDF)
Click Recent VP list for a list (PDF) of recent visiting professors.
University of CincinnatiCollege of Medicine231 Albert Sabin WayCincinnati, OH 45267-0558
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