Stanton, Robert J; Robinson, David J; Aziz, Yasmin N; Sucharew, Heidi; Khatri, Pooja; Broderick, Joseph P; Janis, L Scott; Kemp, Stephanie; Mlynash, Michael; Lansberg, Maarten G; Albers, Gregory W; Saver, Jeffrey L; Flaherty, Matthew L; Adeoye, Opeolu; Woo, Daniel; Ferioli, Simona; Kissela, Brett M; Kleindorfer, Dawn O 2023. Using Epidemiological Data to Inform Clinical Trial Feasibility Assessments: A Case Study. Stroke, 54 4, 1009-1014
Robinson, David Joseph; Stanton, Robert; Sucharew, Heidi; Alwell, Kathleen; Haverbusch, Mary; De Los Rios La Rosa, Felipe; Ferioli, Simona; Coleman, Elisheva; Jasne, Adam; Mackey, Jason; Star, Michael; Mistry, Eva A; Demel, Stacie; Slavin, Sabreena; Walsh, Kyle; Woo, Daniel; Kissela, Brett; Kleindorfer, Dawn O 2022. Racial Disparities in Stroke Recurrence: A Population-Based Study. Neurology, 99 22, e2464-e2473
Demel, Stacie L; Stanton, Robert; Aziz, Yasmin N; Adeoye, Opeolu; Khatri, Pooja 2021. Reflection on the Past, Present, and Future of Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke. Neurology, 97 20 Suppl 2, S170-S177
LaPorta, Joseph; Stanton, Robert; Koss, Adam 2021. The man behind the bed: a case of peduncular hallucinosis treated with quetiapine and melatonin. Neurocase, 27 2, 205-208
Stanton, Robert; Demel, Stacie L; Flaherty, Matthew L; Antzoulatos, Eleni; Gilkerson, Lee A; Osborne, Jennifer; Behymer, Tyler P; Moomaw, Charles J; Sekar, Padmini; Langefeld, Carl; Woo, Daniel 2021. Risk of intracerebral haemorrhage from hypertension is greatest at an early age. European stroke journal, 6 1, 28-35
Sucharew, Heidi; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Khoury, Jane C; Alwell, Kathleen; Haverbusch, Mary; Stanton, Robert; Demel, Stacie; De Los Rios La Rosa, Felipe; Ferioli, Simona; Jasne, Adam; Mistry, Eva; Moomaw, Charles J; Mackey, Jason; Slavin, Sabreena; Star, Michael; Walsh, Kyle; Woo, Daniel; Kissela, Brett M 2021. Deriving Place of Residence, Modified Rankin Scale, and EuroQol-5D Scores from the Medical Record for Stroke Survivors. Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland), 50 5, 567-573
Hsiao, Jessica; Sayles, Emily; Antzoulatos, Eleni; Stanton, Robert J; Sucharew, Heidi; Broderick, Joseph P; Demel, Stacie L; Flaherty, Matthew L; Grossman, Aaron W; Kircher, Charles; Kreitzer, Natalie; Peariso, Katrina; Prestigiacomo, Charles J; Shirani, Peyman; Walsh, Kyle B; Lampton, Holly; Adeoye, Opeolu; Khatri, Pooja 2020. Effect of COVID-19 on Emergent Stroke Care: A Regional Experience. Stroke, 51 9, e2111-e2114
Stanton, Robert J; Eckman, Mark H; Woo, Daniel; Moomaw, Charles J; Haverbusch, Mary; Flaherty, Matthew L; Kleindorfer, Dawn O 2020. Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding: Clinical Benefit of Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke, 51 3, 808-814
Vagal, Vaibhav; Venema, Simone U; Behymer, Tyler P; Mistry, Eva A; Sekar, Padmini; Sawyer, Russell P; Gilkerson, Lee; Moomaw, Charles J; Haverbusch, Mary; Coleman, Elisheva R; Flaherty, Matthew L; Van Sanford, Carson; Stanton, Robert J; Anderson, Christopher; Rosand, Jonathan; Woo, Daniel 2020. White Matter Lesion Severity is Associated with Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 29 5, 104661
Stanton, Robert J; Roesch, Matthew J; Kanter, Daniel 2018. Neurologic Abnormalities After Atrial Fibrillation Ablative Procedure. JAMA neurology, 75 9, 1144-1145