- Fellowship: H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center (Breast Surgical Oncology)
- Fellowship: University of Cincinnati (Surgical Oncology Research )
- Fellowship: University of Cincinnati (Molecular Biology Research )
- Internship : University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (General Surgery)
- Medical Degree : University of Cincinnati
- Bachelor's Degree: University of Pittsburgh (Chemistry)
- Residency: University of Cincinnati (General Surgery )
American Board of Surgery (Certification Date: 2011-12-14) - (Recertification Date: 2022-10-26)
- Surgical Research Unit
- Email lewisjj@ucmail.uc.edu
Surgical Oncology, Breast Cancer Surgery, Breast Health
Clinical Interests
Surgical Oncology
BRCA1 Genes
BRCA2 Genes
Breast Cancer
Ductal Breast Carcinoma
Ductal Carcinoma
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Intraductal Carcinoma
Intraductal Noninfiltrating Carcinoma
Invasive (Infiltrating) Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)
Invasive (Infiltrating) Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Lobular Carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
Lobular Neoplasia
Male Breast Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Peer Reviewed Publications
Elson, Nora C; Lewis, Jaime D; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Reyna, Chantal 2023. Lessons from other fields of medicine, Part 1: Breast cancer. Handbook of clinical neurology, 192 , 101-118
Vanderwal, April; Lewis, Jaime; Basil, Janet; Atzinger, Carrie; Widmeyer, Kimberly 2023. Factors that influence the management recommendations breast surgeons provide to women with pathogenic variants in moderate penetrance breast cancer susceptibility genes. Journal of genetic counseling, 32 3, 674-684
Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Vijapura, Charmi; Reyna, Chantal; Lewis, Jaime; Lewis, Kyle; Lee, Su-Ju; Sobel, Lawrence; Wahab, Rifat; Rosen, Lauren; Brown, Ann 2022. Exploiting the advantages of a wireless seed localization system that differentiates between the seeds: Breast cancer resection following neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.), , e1690
Carter, Michela; Reyna, Chantal; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Hanseman, Dennis; Meier, Teresa; Barrord, Michelle; Lewis, Jaime D 2021. Trends and Outcomes Associated With Axillary Management of Males With Clinical N0 Breast Cancer-An NCDB Analysis. The Journal of surgical research, 268 , 97-104
Elson, Nora C; Le, Diana T; Johnson, Mark D; Reyna, Chantal; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Goodman, Michael D; Lewis, Jaime D 2021. Characteristics of General Surgery Social Media Influencers on Twitter. The American surgeon, 87 3, 492-498
Reyna, Chantal; Johnston, Michael E; Morris, Mackenzie C; Lee, Tiffany C; Hanseman, Dennis; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Lewis, Jaime D 2021. National trends for axillary lymph node dissection and survival outcomes for clinical T3/T4 node-negative breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy with positive lymph nodes. Breast cancer research and treatment, 189 1, 155-166
Titan, Ashley L; Jadi, Jihane; Prigoff, Jake G; Lewis, Jaime D; Adams, Sasha; Brownstein, Michelle 2021. Navigating the Infinite Number of Educational Resources: The Development of a Publicly Available Surgical Educational Digital Resource Library. Journal of surgical education, ,
Vaysburg, Dennis M; Cortez, Alexander R; Hanseman, Dennis J; Delman, Aaron M; Morris, Christopher; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Kutz, David; Lewis, Jaime; Van Haren, Robert M; Quillin, R Cutler 2021. An analysis of applicant competitiveness to general surgery, surgical subspecialties, and integrated programs. Surgery, ,
Lee, Tiffany C; Reyna, Chantal; Shah, Shimul A; Lewis, Jaime D 2020. The road to academic surgical leadership: Characteristics and experiences of surgical chairpersons. Surgery, 168 4, 707-713
Morris, Mackenzie C; Lee, Tiffany C; Johnston, Michael E; Hanseman, Dennis; Lewis, Jaime D; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Reyna, Chantal 2020. National Trend of Axillary Management in Clinical T3/T4 N0 Patients Having Breast Conserving Therapy. The Journal of surgical research, 255 , 361-370
Napoli, Melissa; Lewis, Jaime; Hopper, Jennifer; Widmeyer, Kimberly 2020. Factors that impact risk management decisions among women with pathogenic variants in moderate penetrance genes associated with hereditary breast cancer. Journal of genetic counseling, 29 6, 960-970
Rao, Roshni; Jackson, Rubie Sue; Rosen, Barry; Brenin, David; Cornett, Wendy; Fayanju, Oluwadamilola M; Chen, Steven L; Golesorkhi, Negar; Ludwig, Kandice; Ma, Ayemoethu; Mautner, Starr Koslow; Sowden, Michelle; Wilke, Lee; Wexelman, Barbara; Blair, Sarah; Gary, Monique; Grobmyer, Stephen; Hwang, E Shelley; James, Ted; Kapoor, Nimmi S; Lewis, Jaime; Lizarraga, Ingrid; Miller, Megan; Neuman, Heather; Showalter, Shayna; Smith, Linda; Froman, Joshua 2020. Pain Control in Breast Surgery: Survey of Current Practice and Recommendations for Optimizing Management-American Society of Breast Surgeons Opioid/Pain Control Workgroup. Annals of surgical oncology, 27 4, 985-990
Lee, Tiffany C; Reyna, Chantal; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Lewis, Jaime D 2019. Screening of populations at high risk for breast cancer. Journal of surgical oncology, 120 5, 820-830
Winer, Leah K; Hinrichs, Benjamin H; Lu, Sisi; Hanseman, Dennis; Huang, Yuan; Reyna, Chantal; Lewis, Jaime; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A 2019. Flat epithelial atypia and the risk of sampling error: Determining the value of excision after image-guided core-needle biopsy. American journal of surgery, 218 4, 730-736
Chadwell, Sarah E; He, Hua; Knapke, Sara; Lewis, Jaime; Sisson, Rebecca; Hopper, Jennifer 2018. Factors Influencing Clinical Follow-Up for Individuals with a Personal History of Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer and Previous Uninformative BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing. Journal of genetic counseling, 27 5, 1210-1219
Lewis, Jaime D; Fane, Kathleen E; Ingraham, Angela M; Khan, Ayesha; Mills, Anne M; Pitt, Susan C; Ramo, Danielle; Wu, Roseann I; Pollart, Susan M 2018. Expanding Opportunities for Professional Development: Utilization of Twitter by Early Career Women in Academic Medicine and Science. JMIR medical education, 4 2, e11140
Lewis, Jaime D; Fane, Kathleen E; Ingraham, Angela M; Khan, Ayesha; Mills, Anne M; Pitt, Susan C; Ramo, Danielle; Wu, Roseann I; Pollart, Susan M 2018. Expanding Opportunities for Professional Development: Utilization of Twitter by Early Career Women in Academic Medicine and Science. JMIR medical education, 4 2, e11140
Pugh, Amanda M; Giannini, Courtney M; Pinney, Susan M; Hanseman, Dennis J; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Lewis, Jaime D 2018. Characteristics and diagnosis of pregnancy and lactation associated breast cancer: Analysis of a self-reported regional registry. American journal of surgery, 216 4, 809-812
Goodman, Michael; Lewis, Jaime; Guitron, Julian; Reed, Michael; Pritts, Timothy; Starnes, Sandra 2013. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute thoracic trauma. Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock, 6 2, 106-9
Goodman, Michael; Lewis, Jaime; Guitron, Julian; Reed, Michael; Pritts, Timothy; Starnes, Sandra 2013. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute thoracic trauma. Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock, 6 2, 106-9
Wilson, Gregory C; Quillin, Ralph C; Hanseman, Dennis J; Lewis, Jaime D; Edwards, Michael J; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A 2013. Incidence and predictors of neuropathic pain following breast surgery. Annals of surgical oncology, 20 10, 3330-4
Laronga, Christine; Lewis, Jaime D; Smith, Paul D 2012. The changing face of mastectomy: an oncologic and cosmetic perspective. Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center, 19 4, 286-94
Laronga, Christine; Lewis, Jaime D; Smith, Paul D 2012. The changing face of mastectomy: an oncologic and cosmetic perspective. Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center, 19 4, 286-94
Lewis, Jaime D; Chagpar, Anees B; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Nurko, Jacob; McMasters, Kelly; Edwards, Michael J 2010. Excellent outcomes with adjuvant toremifene or tamoxifen in early stage breast cancer. Cancer, 116 10, 2307-15
Edwards, Michael J; Lewis, Jaime D; Pritts, Timothy A; Keller, Jennifer E; Broadwater, Ralph; Robertson, Ron 2009. Track configuration determines risk of driver injury in open wheel motor racing. The American surgeon, 75 9, 857-9
Lewis, Jaime D; Pritts, Timothy A; Lentsch, Alex B; Edwards, Michael J 2009. The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Department of Surgery. The American surgeon, 75 2, 113-9
Lewis, Jaime D; Starnes, Sandra L; Pandalai, Prakash K; Huffman, Lynn C; Bulcao, Christian F; Pritts, Timothy A; Reed, Michael F 2009. Traumatic diaphragmatic injury: experience from a level I trauma center. Surgery, 146 4, 578-83; discussion 5
Edwards MJ, Lewis JD 2008. [Editorial] Are many community hospitals under-treating breast cancer? Lessons from 24,834 patients Annals of Surgery, 248 2, 163
Edwards, Michael J; Lewis, Jaime D 2008. Are we better than "certain others"? Annals of surgery, 248 2, 163-5
Reed, Michael F; Lewis, Jaime D 2007. Thoracoscopic mediastinal repositioning for postpneumonectomy syndrome. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 133 1, 264-5
Freeman C.M.;Xia B.T.;Wilson G.C.;Lewis J.D.;Khan S.;Lee S.J.;Lower E.E.;Edwards M.J.;Shaughnessy E.A. 10-01-2017. Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge American Journal of Surgery, 214 4, 701-706
Edwards M.;Lewis J.;Pritts T.;Keller J.;Broadwater R.;Robertson R. 09-01-2009. Track configuration determines risk of driver injury in open wheel motor racing American Surgeon, 75 9, 857-859
Edwards M.;Lewis J. 08-01-2008. Are we better than "certain others"? Annals of Surgery, 248 2, 163-165
Lewis J.D.;Fane K.E.;Ingraham A.M.;Khan A.;Mills A.M.;Pitt S.C.;Ramo D.;Wu R.I.;Pollart S.M. 07-01-2018. Expanding opportunities for professional development: Utilization of twitter by early career women i Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 7,
Goodman M.;Lewis J.;Guitron J.;Reed M.;Pritts T.;Starnes S. 04-01-2013. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for acute thoracic trauma Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock, 6 2, 106-109
Lewis J.;Pritts T.;Lentsch A.;Edwards M. 02-01-2009. The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Department of Surgery American Surgeon, 75 2, 113-119
Napoli M.;Lewis J.;Hopper J.;Widmeyer K. 01-01-2020. Factors that impact risk management decisions among women with pathogenic variants in moderate penet Journal of Genetic Counseling, ,