Frequently Asked Questions
For questions not addressed within the website, please contact the program at
General Information
Q: What degree is earned upon completion of the major?
A: Bachelor of Science (BS) in Medical Sciences
Q: What is the length of the program?
A: The major is designed and intended to be completed in four years (8 semesters) as a full-time undergraduate student.
Q: Is the major only for prospective medical students?
A: No! While the major does prepare students to be competitive for admission to professional schools such as medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy, it is also designed to prepare students for master's and doctoral programs in the life sciences, as well as master's or other post-baccalaureate training programs for any of the many health professions.
Q: Should I decide not to pursue a career in medicine, are there other options for me after graduating from the Medical Sciences major?
A: Absolutely! The major is not solely for students interested in going to medical school or other health careers. The curriculum is structured so students have the option to pursue many different paths after graduation. Potential plans may include masters or doctoral programs in the sciences, national programs such as Teach for America or AmeriCorps, MBA, non-profit work, health care administration, or entering the workforce. Our goal is to help each student find the career path that they are most interested in and help them achieve that goal.
Q: Are there any additional costs associated with being in the major ?
A: No, there are no additional costs associated with being in the Medical Sciences major at UC compared with any other program (standard costs include tuition, room & board, general fees, vaccinations, and health insurance, if applicable). There may be additional fees associated with certain electives (e.g. Human Anatomy) but these courses are not required. Students should also budget for the costs of textbooks, a personal computer, and software (licensed software is available at deeply-discounted prices through UC Bookstores).
Q: If I am not affiliated with the UC Honors Program, am I at a disadvantage in the Medical Sciences major?
A: Entry into the Honors Program is determined university-wide and is very limited. Given the rigorous requirements we have for admission into the Medical Sciences major and the small size of the program, we have found that a substantial number of outstanding students accepted into the major in Medical Sciences are not admitted into the Honors Program. Not being selected into the Honors Program does not in any way affect a student’s standing or the selection of classes/activities in the Medical Sciences major.
Q: Can I participate in both research and service activities?
A: Yes, students are strongly encouraged to participate in both research and service activities. In addition to a required course (MEDS 2030C) that introduces students to modern research techniques in several disciplines, we offer elective courses both in research (MEDS 3030, MEDS 4042) and service learning (MEDS 3050). Students in the major participate in a senior research or service capstone project that will be formally written and presented to the faculty and students.
Q: How soon can I start in a research lab?
A: There are many opportunities to become involved in research at UC from the first year through the last. These opportunities include research for credit, volunteering, part-time work, and summer programs. Students planning to pursue a career in research (MS, PhD, MD/PhD) are encouraged to begin early in their college career. During senior year, students participate in either a research or service capstone project. Most research experiences will occur in laboratories located either at the UC College of Medicine or at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Q: How can I find out about summer research opportunities?
A: Students planning to enroll in summer semester classes who would like to participate in research should consider MEDS 3030: Biomedical Research Rotation. Full-time, paid summer research opportunities are also available, including Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) at UC College of Medicine and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The SURF programs are very competitive—apply early!
Q: Are classes canceled if the University announces a campus closure?
A: Yes. Whenever the University announces a campus closure (such as due to winter weather or public emergency) all classes are canceled, including all undergraduate and graduate classes at the College of Medicine. This not only applies to lectures and workshops but also laboratory-based classes such as MEDS 3030. Undergraduate students should not attempt to come to campus if a campus closure has been announced or should leave by the time the University is to close as indicated in the announcement.
Q: How do I apply for admission to the major in Medical Sciences?
A: Information on admissions can be found on the program Overview page for the major.
Q: I want to visit campus and learn more about Medical Sciences. How can I do that?
A: All prospective students and families should contact UC Undergraduate Admissions to sign up for a main campus tour and a presentation from Medical Sciences staff.
Q: Can I set up an individual appointment to meet with Medical Sciences faculty/staff, take a tour of the College of Medicine, or shadow a current student?
A: Unfortunately, due to staff limitations, Medical Sciences is not currently offering individual tours, meetings, or shadowing opportunities to prospective or admitted students. UC's Undergraduate Admissions office hosts a number of events throughout the year where families can hear about Medical Sciences and see student panels. You can find more information about visiting campus here.
Q: If I am part of the Medical Sciences Program, do I pay undergraduate tuition or College of Medicine (MD) tuition?
A: Although Medical Sciences is housed in the College of Medicine, it is still an undergraduate program. Students in Medical Sciences will pay undergraduate tuition ("UC Uptown" rates). For up-to-date tuition costs, please visit the Financial Aid website .
Q: How can I support the mission of the Medical Sciences Program financially?
A: Parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the program can support the mission of the program by giving to the Medical Sciences Program Excellence Fund. More information
Contact Us
Medical SciencesBaccalaureate Program
Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670552
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0552
Mail Location: 0552
Phone: 513-558-7650