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Photo of  Saundra L. Regan, PHD


  • PhD: University of Cincinnati (Sociology)
  • Master of Arts: Miami University Oxford (Gerontology, Sociology)
  • Bachelor of Arts: Lourdes College (Gerontology)

Research Interests

Social gerontology, palliative care, and chronic illnesses

Peer Reviewed Publications

Knapke, Jacqueline M; Mount, Hillary R; McCabe, Erin; Regan, Saundra L; Tobias, Barbara 2023. Early Identification of Family Physicians Using Qualitative Admissions Data. Family medicine, 55 4, 245-252

Bolen, Shari D; Beverly, Elizabeth A; Khoury, Shireen; Regan, Saundra; Wright, Jackson T; Koroukian, Siran; Wexler, Randell; Rao, Goutham; Hargraves, Daniel; Bricker, Dean; Solomon, Glen D; Holliday, Michael; Gardner-Buckshaw, Stacey; Dworkin, Lance; Perzynski, Adam T; Littman, Elizabeth; Nevar, Ann; Swiatkowski, Shannon M; Applegate, Mary; Konstan, Michael W 2022. Forming Cardi-OH: A Statewide Collaborative to Improve Cardiovascular Health in Ohio. Cureus, 14 8, e28381

Wilson, Marian; Dolor, Rowena J; Lewis, Daniel; Regan, Saundra L; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Winhusen, T John 2022. The opioid dose and pain effects of an online pain self-management program to augment usual care in adults with chronic pain: a multi-site randomized clinical trial Pain, ,

Brammer, Susan V; Regan, Saundra L; Collins, Chris M; Gillespie, Gordon L 2021. Developing Innovative Virtual Reality Simulations to Increase Health Care Providers' Understanding of Social Determinants of Health. The Journal of continuing education in the health professions, ,

Gillespie, Gordon Lee; Farra, Sharon; Regan, Saundra L; Brammer, Susan V 2021. Impact of immersive virtual reality simulations for changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Nurse education today, 105 , 105025

Schrimpf Davis, Susan; Regan, Saundra; Goodnow, Keesha; Gausvik, Christian; Pallerla, Harini; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D 2021. Tell Me Your Story: Experiential learning using in-home interviews of healthy older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69 12, 3608-3616

Winhusen, Theresa; Wilson, Marian; Dolor, Rowena J; Theobald, Jeff; Lewis, Daniel; Regan, Saundra L; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth 2021. Design considerations for a remote randomized multi-site clinical trial evaluating an e-health self-management program for chronic pain patients receiving opioid therapy. Contemporary clinical trials, 101 , 106245

Goroncy A, Goldstein H, Goodnow K, Pallerla H, Regan S 2020. Evaluating Resident Home Visit Performance: Introducing a Feedback Form Linked to ACGME Milestones J Am Geriatr Soc, ,

Goroncy, Anna; Goldstein, Hannah; Goodnow, Keesha; Pallerla, Harini; Regan, Saundra 2020. Evaluating Resident Home Visit Performance: Introducing a Feedback Form Linked to ACGME Milestones. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 3, E1-E3

Goroncy, Anna; Makaroff, Katherine; Trybula, Marcus; Regan, Saundra; Pallerla, Harini; Goodnow, Keesha; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey 2020. Home Visits Improve Attitudes and Self-Efficacy: A Longitudinal Curriculum for Residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 4, 852-858

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey; Zamudio, Olivia; Goodnow, Keesha; Pallerla, Harini; Regan, Saundra 2020. Using Patient Voice to Personalize the Opioid Epidemic: An Evaluation of 2 Educational Interventions. Journal of patient experience, 7 6, 964-968

Bedard-Thomas J, Gausvik C, Wessels J, Regan S, Goodnow K, Goroncy A. 2019. I Live Alone, but Don't Feel Alone: Social Isolation and Loneliness from the Patient Perspective. J Patient Cent Res Review, 6 , 262-266

Bedard-Thomas, Julia; Gausvik, Christian; Wessels, Jonathan; Regan, Saundra; Goodnow, Keesha; Goroncy, Anna 2019. I Live Alone but Don't Feel Alone: Social Isolation and Loneliness From the Patient Perspective. Journal of patient-centered research and reviews, 6 4, 262-266

Doarn, Charles R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Acquavita, Shauna P; Regan, Saundra; Elder, Nancy; Tubb, Matthew R 2019. Challenges in the Development of e-Quit worRx: An iPad App for Smoking Cessation Counseling and Shared Decision Making in Primary Care. JMIR formative research, 3 1, e11300

Schlaudecker JD, Goodnow K, Goroncy A, Hartmann R, Regan S, Rich M, Butler A, White C 2019. Meaningful Partnerships: Stages of Development of a Patient and Family Advisory Council at a Family Medicine Residency Clinic J Participat Med, 11 1,

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Goodnow, Keesha; Goroncy, Anna; Hartmann, Reid; Regan, Saundra; Rich, Megan; Butler, Adam; White, Christopher 2019. Meaningful Partnerships: Stages of Development of a Patient and Family Advisory Council at a Family Medicine Residency Clinic. Journal of participatory medicine, 11 1, e12105

Tubb, Matthew R; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Pallerla, Harini; Regan, Saundra; Doarn, Charles R 2019. Clinical evaluation of e-Quit worRx: a mobile app to enhance smoking cessation shared decision making in primary care. mHealth, 5 , 22

Elder NC, Imhoff R, Chubinski J, Jacobson CJ, Pallerla H, Saric P, Rotenberg V, Vonder Meulen MB, Leonard AC, Carrozza M, Regan S 2017. Congruence of patient self-rating of health with physician ratings in family medicine offices J Am B Fam Med, 30, 196-204

Roberts K; Park T; Elder NC; Regan SL; Theodore SN; Mitchell, MJ; Johnson YN 2015. Urban Health Project: A Sustainable and Successful Community Internship Program for Medical Students. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 26 4, 1407-17

Elder NC; Jacobson CJ; Bolon SK; Fixler J; Pallerla H; Busick C; Gerrety E; Kinney D; Regan SL; Pugnale M 2014. Patterns of relating between physicians and medical assistants in small family medicine offices. Annals of family medicine, 12 2, 150-157

Smucker DR; Regan SL; Elder NC; Gerrety E 2014. Patient safety incidents in home hospice care: the experiences of hospice interdisciplinary team members. Journal of palliative medicine, 17 5, 540-44

Elder NC; Simmons T; Regan SL; Gerrety E 2012. Care for patients with chronic nonmalignant pain with and without chronic opioid prescriptions: a report from the Cincinnati Area Research Group (CARinG) network. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, 25 5, 652-60

Fisher BS; Zink T; Regan SL 2011. Abuses against older women: prevalence and health effects. Journal of interpersonal violence, 26 2, 254-68

Elder N.;Regan S.;Pallerla H.;Levin L.;Post D.;Cegala D. 2008. Educating seniors to be patient safety self-Advocates in primary care Journal of Patient Safety, 4 2, 106-112

Elder NC; Regan SL; Pallerla H; Levin L; Post D; Cegela DJ 2007. Development of an instrument to measure seniors' patient safety health beliefs: the Seniors Empowerment and Advocacy in Patient Safety (SEAPS) survey. Patient education and counseling, 69 1-3, 100-7

Elder NC; Pallerla H; Regan SL 2006. What do family physicians consider an error? A comparison of definitions and physician perception. BMC family practice, 7 , 73

Fisher BS; Regan SL 2006. The extent and frequency of abuse in the lives of older women and their relationship with health outcomes. The Gerontologist, 46 2, 200-9

Zink T; Jacobson CJ; Fisher B; Regan SL; Pabst S 2006. A lifetime of intimate partner violence: coping strategies of older women. Journal of interpersonal violence, 21 5, 634-51

Zink T; Jacobson CJ; Regan SL; Fisher B; Pabst S 2006. Older women's descriptions and understandings of their abusers. Violence against women, 12 9, 851-65

Zink T; Fisher BS; Regan SL; Pabst S 2005. The prevalence and incidence of intimate partner violence in older women in primary care practices. Journal of general internal medicine, 20 10, 884-8

Fisher B; Zink T; Pabst SL; Regan SL; Rinto B; Gothelf E 2004. Services and Programming for Older Abused Women: The Ohio Experience Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 15 2, 67-84

Zink T; Jacobson CJ; Regan SL; Pabst S 2004. Hidden Victims: The Healthcare Needs and Experiences of Older Women in Abusive Relationships Journal of Women's Health, 13, 898-908

Zink T; Jacobson CJ; Regan SL; Pabst, S 2004. Hidden victims: the healthcare needs and experiences of older women in abusive relationships. Journal of women, 13 8, 898-908

Zink T; Regan SL; Goldenhar L; Pabst S 2004. Intimate Partner Violence: Physicians Experiences with Women Over 55 Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 17 , 332-340

Zink T; Regan SL; Goldenhar L; Pabst S; Rinto B 2004. Intimate partner violence: what are physicians' perceptions? The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice / American Board of Family Practice, 17 5, 332-40

Fisher B.S.;Zink T.;Pabst S.;Regan S.;Rinto B. 2003. Services and programming for older abused women: The Ohio experience Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 15 2, 67-83

Zink T.;Regan S.;Jacobson C.J.;Pabst S. 2003. Cohort, Period, and Aging Effects: A Qualitative Study of Older Women's Reasons for Remaining in Abu Violence Against Women, 9 12, 1429-1441

Fisher B.S.;Zink T.M.;Rinto B.A.;Regan S.L.;Pabst S.R.;Gothelf E.J. 12-01-2003. Guest Editors' Introduction: Overlooked Issues During the Golden Years: Domestic Violence and Intima Violence Against Women, 9 12, 1409-1416

Doarn C.;Meulen M.;Pallerla H.;Acquavita S.;Regan S.;Elder N.;Tubb M. 03-01-2019. Challenges in the development of e-Quit worRx: An iPad app for smoking cessation counseling and shar Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 3,

Schlaudecker J.;Goodnow K.;Goroncy A.;Hartmann R.;Regan S.;Rich M.;Butler A.;White C. 03-01-2019. Meaningful partnerships: Stages of development of a patient and family advisory council at a family Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 3,

Elder, Nancy C; Imhoff, Ryan; Chubinski, Jennifer; Jacobson, C Jeffrey; Pallerla, Harini; Saric, Petar; Rotenberg, Vitaliy; Vonder Meulen, Mary Beth; Leonard, Anthony C; Carrozza, Mark; Regan, Saundra . Congruence of Patient Self-Rating of Health with Family Physician Ratings. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, 30 2, 196-204