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Photo of  Jeffrey D. Schlaudecker, MD


  • Master of Education: Medical Education University of Cincinnati College of Education (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • Fellowship: University of Cincinnati (Geriatrics)
  • Residency: University of Cincinnati
  • Residency: The Christ Hospital/University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Residency Program (Family Medicine)
  • Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati
  • Bachelor of Science: Northwestern University (Communication Sciences and Disorders)


Family Medicine
Geriatric Medicine

Research Interests

Family medicine, hospital medicine, geriatrics

Clinical Interests

Family Medicine

Geriatric Medicine

Peer Reviewed Publications

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey; Milligan, Kevin J; Glankler, Erin; Pagan, Angel; Weller, Andrew M; Cohn, William 2023. Illnesses and Injuries at a Remote American Residential Summer Camp Over 3 Seasons. Wilderness & environmental medicine, ,

Weiss, Tirzah; Reuter, Tate; Dowell, Evan; Singstock, Mitchell; Smith, Katherine; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey 2023. Evaluation of an infection control protocol to limit COVID-19 at residential summer camps in 2021. PloS one, 18 11, e0282560

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Goodnow, Keesha 2021. The Virtual Patient and Family Advisory Council in the COVID-19 Era. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, 34 Suppl, S37-S39

Schrimpf Davis, Susan; Regan, Saundra; Goodnow, Keesha; Gausvik, Christian; Pallerla, Harini; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D 2021. Tell Me Your Story: Experiential learning using in-home interviews of healthy older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69 12, 3608-3616

Goroncy, Anna; Makaroff, Katherine; Trybula, Marcus; Regan, Saundra; Pallerla, Harini; Goodnow, Keesha; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey 2020. Home Visits Improve Attitudes and Self-Efficacy: A Longitudinal Curriculum for Residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 4, 852-858

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D 2020. Essential Family Caregivers in Long-Term Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 7, 983

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey; Zamudio, Olivia; Goodnow, Keesha; Pallerla, Harini; Regan, Saundra 2020. Using Patient Voice to Personalize the Opioid Epidemic: An Evaluation of 2 Educational Interventions. Journal of patient experience, 7 6, 964-968

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Goodnow, Keesha; Goroncy, Anna; Hartmann, Reid; Regan, Saundra; Rich, Megan; Butler, Adam; White, Christopher 2019. Meaningful Partnerships: Stages of Development of a Patient and Family Advisory Council at a Family Medicine Residency Clinic. Journal of participatory medicine, 11 1, e12105

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey; Becker, Richard 2014. Inflammatory response and thrombosis in older individuals. Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis, 40 6, 669-74

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Lewis, Timothy J; Moore, Irene; Pallerla, Harini; Stecher, Anna M; Wiebracht, Nathan D; Warshaw, Gregg A 2013. Teaching resident physicians chronic disease management: simulating a 10-year longitudinal clinical experience with a standardized dementia patient and caregiver. Journal of graduate medical education, 5 3, 468-75

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Moushey, Erin N; Schlaudecker, Elizabeth P 2013. Keeping older patients healthy and safe as they travel. The Journal of family practice, 62 1, 16-23

Bernheisel, Christopher R; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Leopold, Katelyn 2011. Subacute management of ischemic stroke. American family physician, 84 12, 1383-8

Mount, Hillary R; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D 2011. A stroke -- or something else? The Journal of family practice, 60 9, 513-6

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D 2009. A refractory case of community-acquired pneumonia. The Journal of family practice, 58 11, 573-5

Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D; Bernheisel, Christopher R 2009. Gadolinium-associated nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. American family physician, 80 7, 711-4

Bernheisel, Christopher R; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D 2007. Managing CAP: an evidence-based algorithm. The Journal of family practice, 56 9, 722-6

Hargraves, Daniel; White, Christopher C; Mauger, Marcia R; Puthota, Aruna; Pallerla, Harini; Wigle, Patricia; Brubaker, Sarah L; Schlaudecker, Jeffrey D . Evaluation of an interprofessional naloxone didactic and skills session with medical residents and physician assistant learners. Pharmacy practice, 17 3, 1591