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Mindful Mondays - Every Monday 8:30 AM EDT

Led by: Barbara Walker, PhD 

UC Integrative Health Performance Psychologist

Please click link  below Mondays at 8:30am to join the meeting. No registration required.

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+1 513-342-0888 United States, Cincinnati (Toll)

Conference ID: 946 490 417#

Mindful Mondays is designed as an opportunity for you to take a pause in your day and practice a guided mindfulness exercise with your work community. All you need to do is show up online (MS Teams), turn your phone off, and be!

Mindfulness Defined:
Paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-reactively, nonjudgmentally and openheartedly as possible (Jon Kabat-Zinn).

When to Integrate:
• Maintaining internal and external composure – creating space between you and your surroundings (Bubble) • Clearing your head at nighttime • Creating positive energy • Hitting the reset buttons between meetings • During your commute • This training is only as good as you make it for yourself

• We can practice bringing our mindful attention to daily activities that are often performed mindlessly.

• We can pay attention to the movement of the body, and the sights and sounds around us.
• Perhaps pick one of these activities to serve as your “call to mindfulness” during the day:

Key is to practice mindfulness with consistency.

Book Recommendations:
Hanh, T.N. (2017). The art of living: peace and freedom in the here and now.

Williams, M & Penman, D (2012). Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Zinn, J.K. (2005). Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life

App Recommendations:
Insight Timer; Calm; HeadSpace; Inscape; Stop, Breathe, Think

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WIMS President 2022-23

Danielle Clark
Hospital Medicine (IM)

Heather Christensen PhD

Advisor (Past President)
Heather Christensen
Medical Education

Alexa R. Sabedra, MDSecretary
Alexa Sabedra
Emergency Medicine
Niralee Patel, MDTreasurer
Niralee Patel
Internal Medicine
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College of Medicine

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