Office of Clinical Research CRP Lunch & Learn
November 2023
CTA and ICF Reviews: When and When Not to Edit
Thursday, November 16th, 2023
12:00 noon - 1:00pm
with the option to join virtually via MS Teams:
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Nate Harris
Clinical Research Compliance Administration,
Education and Training
Office of Clinical Research
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
Bridget Kellner
Sponsored Research Services (SRS)
Sponsored Research Administrator, II
Contracts Division/Industry Clinical Trials
Kareemah Mills
Human Research Protection Program
University of Cincinnati Office of Research
Join us for a refresher of the review process for agreement between Informed Consent Form (ICF) Subject Injury (SI) language and other components of the document, with the parameters set forth in the Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) for clinical trials that involve more than minimal risk. This presentation will also discuss updates to this process regarding the OCR online CTA submission system.