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Research / Core Facilities

College of Medicine Research Core Facilities

The UC College of Medicine houses a number of research core facilities designated as core service centers. These facilities exist within multiple departments but are collectively supported by the College of Medicine Office of Research through the Associate Dean for Research Core Facilities: Ken Greis, PhD. (; Tel: 513-558-7012).

The service center designation signifies the rates charged by each of these facilities have been reviewed and approved by the UC Government Cost Compliance Office; thus, the service fees can be cross-charged to federal grants and contracts. Details related to the services offered and the internal rates for each of the cores are provided below. Since these rates are substantially subsidized by the University, external investigators should contact individual core directors to get a rate quote.

Resources to offset some of the cost of the core services may be available through a variety of centers and institutes across UC depending on an investigator’s affiliation. Information related to some of those opportunities and the website links are provided below:

We have recently transitioned our core facilities booking and management to the PPMS system from Stratocore. To book and access services from the core facilities, please log in or create an account in Stratocore via:

My PPMS Dashboard

Stratocore Account Creation Guides:

Center for Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Services (CBBS)

The mission of this center is to support research in the College of Medicine (COM) by connecting biomedical scientists with the joint expertise of the faculty, staff and graduate students in the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. The joint expertise of CBBS faculty covers a wide range of biostatistics and bioinformatics topics. CBBS provides the venue for obtaining short-term consulting support and for establishing long-term collaborations with CBS faculty. Please see the listing of our faculty and their expertise to select the appropriate contact.

To book services from the CBBS, please login or create an account in Stratocore at

CBS provides support for manuscript preparation, grant applications and other projects requiring biostatistics and bioinformatics support via several types of consulting on the hourly fee-for-service basis:

1.    Short-Term Consultation. Short term consultation support is given for well-defined research projects where funds for fee-for-service charges have been secured. 

2.     Funded Projects. Biostatistics and bioinformatics services throughout the life of funded projects can be provided.

3.     Grant application and Research Protocols. CBBS faculty provide biostatistics and bioinformatics services for individual-initiated grant applications or research protocols at all stages of grant preparation and project execution.

4.    Research Unit/Research Group Support. CBBS faculty can provide biostatistics and bioinformatics support for whole research groups and academic units.  Such arrangements may cover biostatistical, bioinformatics as well as educational needs of faculty, research staff and students collaborating research unit.

5.    Research Central Initiated Projects. We also provide biostatistics and bioinformatics support to investigators who are CCTST members and request assistance through Research Central: the portal for intake of CCTST requests. The CCTST provides vouchers, upon approval of the application. The same hourly rates apply for CCTST supported support. Please contact the visit the CCTST website for more information.

Grant Information

A general NIH description of facilities and equipment for this core may be accessed with this link - CBBS NIH Summary May 2024; however, it is highly recommended that you discuss your specific core needs with the core director or manager while preparing the grant application since they can likely provide tailored information regarding their capabilities to enhance your application.

Faculty consulting for COM researchers
Faculty consulting for non-COM researchers 
Student consulting for COM researchers 
Student consulting for non-COM researchers  
Initial planning meeting.
Staff biostatistician consulting for COM researchers. Any kind of consulting work provided by a staff biostatistician with or without CBS faculty supervision. 1 $90/hour



Contact Information

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University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine

CARE/Crawley Building
Suite E-870
3230 Eden Avenue
PO Box 670555
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0555

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Phone: 513-558-7333
Fax: 513-558-3512
Email: College of Medicine