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Attendees at the 2018 PRP Symposium

Upcoming Events

Ergonomics Webinar

February 21, 2024, 3pm - 4pm ET

Dr. Amit Bhattacharya, Director of the University of Cincinnati ERC, is presenting as part of the Education and Research Centers' free collaborative webinar series. Dr. Bhattacharya will present on "Evaluating Firefighters’ Hyperthermia Level with a CNT Based Cooling System During Live Burn Firefighting."

For additional details and registration visit the event website, hosted by the UC Berkeley ERC.

Research Capacity Building Workshop

Where: University of Cincinnati, Kettering Lab Complex room 121
When: March 11-12, 2024
What: This workshop is designed for advanced doctoral and junior faculty interested in increasing their capacity to develop successful research grants (e.g. R01, R21, and R03) for submission to external funding agencies. It is recommended for individuals who are newer to grant writing, material may be repetitive for experienced grant writers.

Priority is given to faculty and students from the UC ERC programs as well as the universities in the Pilot Research Project consortium. Please email the ERC address below to inquire about availability .

Email for details and availability

ERC Midwest Regional Symposium

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Occupational Safety and Health

Where: University of Illinois at Chicago,

When: April 4-6, 2024

What: The UIC ERC is hosting this year’s Midwest Regional ERC Symposium in Chicago. The basic itinerary for the Cincinnati group will be traveling up together via bus on Thursday, April 4th followed by a group dinner, the symposium and dinner as a group on Friday, April 5th, and AI lab tours on the morning of Saturday, April 6th before returning home. You can view the full agenda at the UIC event website. Expenses for the bus, hotel, and per diem will be covered for ERC trainees and ERC faculty. To attend the trip with the Cincinnati group, please complete the items below.

RSVP to confirm your spot with the Cincinnati group by February 29th

Register for the symposium so the Chicago organizers have an accurate headcount.

Students are encouraged to present a poster at the symposium. Email if you have any questions.

Save the Date

25th Pilot Research Project Symposium - October 24-25, 2024

Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene Monthly Webinars

NIOSH ERC Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene Webinar Series

Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences Seminars
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Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences
Education and Research Center (ERC)
Kettering Lab Building
Room 440
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056
Mail Location: 0056
Phone: 513-558-5710
Fax: 513-558-2722