FMMP Participants: Obtaining X-Ray Films and Medical Records
1. How to Report Changes in a Participant’s Health Status
Since the research component of the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program continues, it is important for the research staff to know changes in the health status of the program participants. To report any major new health issues (such as a cancer diagnosis)
or concerns, contact the Fernald Research Coordinator at 513-558-0487.
2. Please call if have a new address or email address.
Periodically we plan to send out newsletters or email announcements.
3. How to obtain Medical Records/Films from the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program
A participant in the Fernald Medical Monitoring Program may request copies of their FMMP test results or immunization records from their medical chart. Chest X-ray or mammogram films also may be retrieved if they are needed for comparison studies. If
you have a need for medical record information or X-ray films, contact the Fernald Research Coordinator at 513-558-0487.
Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
Kettering Lab Building
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056
Mail Location: 0056
Phone: 513-558-5701