Sessions Calendar
Welcome to the UCCOM MS3 Emergency Medicine Clerkship
- MS3 Grading Form: We are encouraging faculty use of the web submission form here . If your preceptor requests a paper version of the form, it can be found here. Give this form to your preceptors about an hour before the end of each shift. Links to both are also on Taming the SRU.
- Preceptor Evaluation Form: Please complete evaluation of your preceptor with every shift. There is a web version (preferred) and a PDF paper version as well.
- How to write a great EM note. Please also see our good and not so good example write ups on LEO before submitting yours.
- How to present a patient in Emergency Medicine
- See the 2021-2022 Session Dates Below
- Seven clinical shifts
- Complete two EM-style patient write ups
- Taking part in our rotation group Slack channel
- Completing a case-based, oral boards-style exam on the last day of the exam, based on content from the reading
- Attending weekly Grand Rounds on Wednesday, as work hour rules permit
- Attend daily morning report, as discussed in orientation, and as work hour rules permit
- Why consider a career in Emergency Medicine? We recommend this movie.Chapter 11 of the Emergency Medicine Clerkship Primer also summarizes it nicely. This Medscape Medscape article (PDF) article also goes through some of the pros and cons. And of course, feel more than free to discuss this with your preceptors
- One of the skills we want you to work on during this rotation is the care of lacerations and other wounds requiring sutures in the ED. Before our orientation on the first Monday we expect you to have watched videos #1, 2, 4-7, 10-12. This should take you about twenty minutes. Also read this article before you start.
- More suturing videos:
Simple Interrupted (and Common Errors) | Vertical Mattress | Horizontal Mattress | Even More Suturing! - Resources to consider before you start: • How to get the most out of this clerkship
• EMRA Basics of EM Pocket Book (3rd Ed) $$. Good guide to common chief complaints including differential and work up.
• CDEM Clerkship Primer Amazing free publication that will make you impress the hell out of your preceptors.
• Case Files Emergency Medicine (4th Ed) $$, uses memorable vignettes and pearls, worth reading. - Approach to the Undifferentiated Patient
- Undifferentiated and differentiated patients *
- Stabilization of the Acutely Ill Patient
- Approach to Shock
- Developing your Plan of Action *
- Chest pain
- Abdominal Pain
- Shortness of breath
- Altered Mental Status
- Headache
- Ischemic stroke
- Pelvic Pain and Vaginal Bleeding
- Toxic ingestion
- Performing a Complaint-Directed History and Physical Examination *
- Data-Gathering Skills *
- Developing a Case-Specific Differential Diagnosis *
- Developing Your Plan of Action *
- Common lab studies
- Diagnostic Testing in the Emergency Department *
- Cardiac Arrest
- Basic wound management
- Procedural Skills *
- Acute Pain Control
- Approach to the trauma patient
- Documentation of EM Encounters
- Documentation *
- Disposition of the Emergency Department Patient *
- Discharge Instructions *
- Introduction to the Specialty of Emergency Medicine *
- Unique Educational Aspects of Emergency Medicine *
- Differences Between the Emergency Department, the Office, and the Inpatient Setting *
- Interacting With Consultants and Primary Care Physicians
- How to Get the Most Out of Your Emergency Medicine Clerkship
- MS3 EM Curriculum: Your new best friend. This page includes links to a wealth of relevant mini-articles about clinical topics as well as how to perform a succinct ED H&P, talking to consultants, and writing excellent discharge instructions. Worth perusing before you start.
- Clinical Practice Guidelines: Evidence-based algorithms for the evaluation and management of a variety of common ED complaints.
- How to write a great EM note. Please also see our good and not so good example write ups on LCMS+ before submitting yours.
Rotation Requirements
Our rotation requirements, for your reference and to plan your time with us, are:Before You Start
Required Reading
NOTE: read all topics with a red asterisk (*) before the rotation starts!
During Your Rotation
Intranet Login
Emergency Medicine
Contact Us
Department ofEmergency Medicine
Medical Sciences Building Room 1654
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670769
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0769
Mail Location: 0769
Phone: 513-558-5281