Research Overview

Carl J. Fichtenbaum, MD
Vice Chair for Clinical Research
Supporting and Fostering Research through Funded Initiatives and Formal Programs
The Department of Internal Medicine is deeply committed to its research mission and to the training of future clinical investigators and researchers in foundational, clinical, translational, outcomes and other health care-associated research areas. Since 2011, our strategic plan in the Department of Internal Medicine (DOIM) has prioritized our research mission and embraced a strategy to foster and support the research careers of the faculty and trainees through formal programs and funded initiatives within the department.
The Vice Chair of Clinical Research Carl Fichtenbaum, MD, the Research Advisory Council and the Academic Research Service staff work together to foster discovery, innovation, mentoring and collaboration.
Our internal medicine awards program, our Supported research rotations for medical residents, Stipend and tuition support for first-year graduate students in our Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine program , and fellow to faculty program that identifies, supports and guides medical or postdoctoral fellows through a comprehensive research driven program that results in appointment as a faculty member, our J-club and our An Academic Research Services office that will aid faculty in all aspects of their research program have been critical for maintaining legitimate research activity, providing seed money for garnering ultimate external awards and for the gathering of preliminary data for future research activity.
Our total research holdings are now over $89 million dollars. This remains at an all-time high year-to-year
At the end of FY 2019 we held a total of 145 grants. Approximately 19% percent of those were held by primary investigators with R01 awards. There were 44 new grants awarded in fiscal year 19 amounting to a direct award amount of $8.8 million. This data does not include the $5.6 million dollars in clinical trial revenue nor the research funding from our Cincinnati VAMC
As always, we appreciate the commitment, work and service of all the faculty, investigators, researchers, trainees and staff engaging in basic, clinical, translational and healthcare outcomes research.
Formal programs and funded initiatives within the department include:
Research Conferences
The Department of Internal Medicine hosts Research Conferences on a monthly basis. The Conferences are designed to be interactive, collaborative and valuable for the faculty, trainees, students and staff that attend, as well as the presenters. In the hour-long session junior or senior faculty or trainees present on a research project or research idea.
Internal Medicine Funding Opportunities
The Department of Internal Medicine provides a number of internally supported funding opportunities for faculty and trainee investigators, consistent with our mission to improve health through innovative multidisciplinary research. Over $200,000 in awards is provided each year through the Distinguished Research Achievement Award, Jr. and Sr. Faculty Pilot Awards, Collaborative Challenge Award, Trainee Award, Post Doc Travel Award, Outcomes Award and Rehn Family Research Award Funding. This funding has increased the number of research external awards and quality publications.
- CCTST Intramural Funding
- CCAPS Grant Application Platform
- Internal Medicine Grant Funding Awardees 2016- 2022 (XLSX)
- DOIM 2023 RFA for Intramural Awards -Sr. and Jr. Faculty Pilot Projects-Rehn Family Research-Collaborative Challenge-Impact Outcomes and Trainees Awards Final 2-21-23 revised 08.14.24
Annual Research Symposium
This symposium offers opportunities for collaboration, networking, and mentoring through poster sessions, round tables, and meet and greet activities.
Academic Research Services
The Academic Research Services (ARS) office is staffed to provide full service support for preparing, editing, and submitting basic and clinical research grant applications and start-up of clinical trials and maintenance of IRB protocols for translational and clinical studies. The ARS office also assists researchers and trainees in finding research funding and provides education on writing winning proposals, mentorship, and collaboration.
Annual Research Report Archives
Research Annual Report 2018-2019 (pdf)
Research Annual Report 2017-2018 (pdf)
Research Annual Report 2016-2017 (pdf)
Research Annual Report 2015-2016 (pdf)
Contact Us
Department ofInternal Medicine
Medical Sciences Building Room 6065
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670557
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557
Phone: 513-558-4231
Fax: 513-558-0852