Silverman Fund
Frederic Silverman graduated from the Syracuse University School of Medicine in 1939 and received his pediatric training at Yale University and Johns Hopkins University, 1939-194). He trained in pediatric pathology at Babies Hospital at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. After the World War II he returned to Babies Hospital where he became interested in pediatric radiology, training from 1945-1947. He became the Director of the Division of Roentgenology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in 1947. In 1976, he moved to Stanford University Medical Center continuing his teaching and writing, free of administrative duties. He was a pioneer in alerting the medical community and the public on child abuse (battered child syndrome) with his publications in radiology journals in 1953 and 1962. He was one of the most revered teachers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and was very popular as a visiting professor and lecturer at national and international levels.
Contact Us
Department ofRadiology
3188 Bellevue Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone: 513-584-4396
Fax: 513-584-0431
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