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Education / Graduate Medical Education / Molgen Grad / Current Students / Environmental Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Training Grant

Environmental Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Training Grant

ultra-lo-freezerThe Department of Molecular Genetics and Dr. William Miller oversee a T32 Training Grant that supports 8 Predoctoral and 4 Postdoctoral Fellows. The Training grant is its 32 year of funding thanks to the hard work of Dr. Peter Stambrook who served as the PI for the initial funding period and for the first 30 years of its funding.

For more information on the training grant contact Ms. Brenda Cole at

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Graduate Program in Molecular Genetics,
Biochemistry and Microbiology

Medical Sciences Building Room 1654
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670524
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0524